Nancy Feng
Associate Editor, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management
Guest Co-Editor, Special Issue of Accounting, Accountability, and Governance in Nonprofit Organizations and Government-owned Enterprises
Lin Gao
Associate Editor, China Finance Review International
Katerina Gonzalez
Guest Co-Editor, Special Issue of International Journal of Human Resource Management
Sepideh Kaffash
Associate Editor, Decision Analytics Journal at Elsevier
Aroon Manoharan
Editor, Occasional Paper Series of the ASPA-Section on International and Comparative Administration (SICA)
Anne Schnader
Associate Editor, Accounting and the Public Interest, Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research
Andrew Smith
Associate Editor, Journal of Consumer Marketing
I-Chen Wang
Associate Editor, Technology Forecast & Social Change
Shari Worthington
Associate Editor, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), Engineering Management Review (EMR)
Mujde Yuksel
Editor, Journal of Consumer Marketing
Information Systems & Operations Management
Kaushik Ghosh, Kate Li, Mona Al-Amin
Health information technology to advance care in accountable care organizations: Implications for Medicare patients. Health Care Management Review, 50(1), 32-43.
Mahed Maddah
Expecting the unexpected: Effects of data collection design choices on the quality of crowdsourced user-generated content. MIS Quarterly, 43(2), 623-648
Yuanxiang Li
Should firms pay for online brand communities: Using lead user theory in analyzing two contrasting cases? Decision Support Systems, 155.
Sepideh Kaffash
Big data algorithms and applications in intelligent transportation system: A review and bibliometric analysis. International Journal of Production Economics, 231
Sepideh Kaffash
Environmental sustainability performance of US airlines: implications of financial performance and technical efficiency. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 121.
Yurong Yao
E-participation decision across different channels. Information Technology & People, 35 (3), 956-976.
Kaushik Ghosh
Using secondary data to tell a new story: A cautionary tale in health information technology research. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 47(1), 41.
Chengguang Shang
Business seasonality and stock liquidity. Journal of Financial Markets, vol. 67(C)
Abu Jalal
Pandemics and cash. Journal of Business, Finance, and Accounting
Karen Simonyan
Top Management Team Quality and Innovation in Venture-Backed Private Firms and IPO Market Rewards to Innovative Activity. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 46(4), 920–951
Chenguang Shang
Social capital and individual ethics: Evidence from financial adviser misconduct. Journal of Business Ethics, 181, 495–518
Nataliya Zaiats
Short seller attention. Journal of Corporate Finance 72, 102149.
Saeid Hoseinzade
The Unintended Consequences of Corporate Bond ETFs: Evidence from the Taper Tantrum. The Review of Financial Studies, 35(1), 51–90
Lin Guo
Foreign shareholding, corporate governance and firm performance: Evidence from Chinese companies. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 31.
Public Service & Healthcare Administration
Aroon Manoharan
Public administrators as storytellers: Nurturing narrative competence to enrich their professional identity. Administrative Theory and Praxis, 45(2), 158-169.
Saerim Kim
Social Equity for Wicked Problems: Reducing Racial Disparities in Homeless Services. Public Management Review.
Erin Sullivan
An Exploratory Study of Dynamic Capabilities and Performance Improvement in Hospitals. Journal of Healthcare Management
Peter F. Martelli
Health Care in Times of War. Academy of Management Perspectives, 36, 744–767
Brenda Bond-Fortier
Public Perceptions of Police Agency Fairness and the Willingness to Call Police. The American Review of Public Administration, 51(5), 360–373.
Aroon Manoharan, Marc Holzer
Digital governance: An assessment of performance and best practices. Public Organization Review, 23, 265-283.
Aimee Williamson
Abrupt policy reversal amid Black Lives Matter: Starbucks’ grande employee dress code problem. The CASE Journal, 17(5), 673-690.