Mona Al-Amin, PhD

Associate Professor, Public Service and Healthcare Administration

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Professor Al-Amin earned her PhD from Temple University in Risk, Insurance, and Healthcare Management. In addition to her PhD, she holds a Master of Public Health (MPH), further strengthening her expertise in healthcare systems and organizational performance.

Her expertise and passion lie in hospital performance, hospital staffing, and dynamic capabilities for process improvement. She has developed the concept of sustainers, which are healthcare organizations with sustained superior performance.

Her research is published in top journals such as Health Services Research, Health Care Management Review, Journal of Healthcare Management, and Medical Care Research and Review. Recent publications have focused on rural hospitals, COVID-19 mortality rates, and the role of dynamic capabilities in hospital performance improvement.

She teaches Health Systems I: Healthcare in the US as well as Healthcare Operations Management and Performance Improvement, where she shares her knowledge of the healthcare field with her students.

Professor Al-Amin is particularly interested in the determinants of hospital performance and the factors that impact whether high levels of performance are achieved and sustained. She is currently working on research exploring how healthcare organizations can more effectively incorporate the consumer voice in their decision making.

Honors and Recognitions

  • SBS Dean’s Excellence in Teaching and Research Awards, Suffolk University

Professional Activities


Recent Intellectual Contributions 

  • Ghosh, K., Al-Amin, M., Li, K. J., & Muhlestein, D. (2025). Health information technology to advance care in accountable care organizations: Implications for Medicare patients. Health Care Management Review. Advance online publication.

  • Rosko, M. D., Li, K. J., & Al-Amin, M. (2025). COVID-19 provider relief funds distribution by hospital characteristics. Medical Care Research and Review. Advance online publication.

  • Al-Amin, M., Sullivan, E., & Szalay, N. E. (2024). An exploratory study of dynamic capabilities and performance improvement in hospitals. Journal of Healthcare Management, 69(5), 335–349.
  • Al-Amin, M. (2024). Enhancing patient experience: The associations of nursing factors with HCAHPS ratings. Medical Care, 62(5), 285–287.
  • Al-Amin, M., Li, K., Hefner, J., & Islam, M. N. (2023). Were hospitals with sustained high performance more successful at reducing mortality during the pandemic’s second wave? Health Care Management Review, 48(1), 70-79.
  • Li, K., Al-Amin, M., & Rosko, M. D. (2023). Early financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on U.S. hospitals. Journal of Healthcare Management, 68(4), 268–283.
  • Li, K. J., & Al-Amin, M. (2022). The interaction between high-level electronic medical record adoption and hospitalist staffing levels: A focus on value-based purchasing. Health Services Management Research, 35(2), 66-73.
  • Al-Amin, M., Hefner, J. L., Hogan, T. H., & Li, K. (2021). Sustainers: Hospitals with sustained superior performance. Health Care Management Review, 46(3), 248-256.
  • Al-Amin, M. & Li, K. (2020). Hospitalists Staffing Levels and Hospital Performance. Health Services Research, 55, 44-53.
  • Rosko, M., Goddard, J., Al-Amin, M. & Tavakoli, M. (2018). Predictors of Hospital Profitability: A Panel Study Including the Early Years of the ACA. Journal of Health Care Finance, 44(3).
  • Leleu, H., Al-Amin, M., Rosko, M., and Vladmanis, V. (2018). A Robust Analysis of Hospital Efficiency and Factors Affecting Variability. Health Services Management Research, 33(1), 33-42.
  • Al-Amin, M., Schiaffino, M., Park, S., & Harman, J. (2018). Sustained Hospital Performance on HCAHPS Survey: What are the Determinants? Journal of Healthcare Management, 63(1), 31-49.
  • Al‐Amin, M. (2016). Hospital characteristics and 30‐day all‐cause readmission rates. Journal of Hospital Medicine, 11(10), 682-687.
  • Al-Amin, M., & Makarem, S. C. (2016). The Effects of Hospital‐Level Factors on Patients' Ratings of Physician Communication. Journal of Healthcare Management, 61(1), 28-41.
  • Al-Amin, M., Makarem, S. C., & Rosko, M. (2016). Efficiency and hospital effectiveness in improving Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems ratings. Health Care Management Review, 41(4), 296-305.

Intellectual Contributions

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Courses Taught

HLTH730: Healthcare Operations Management
HLTH705: Health Systems I

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Degrees/Professional Certifications

  • PhD, Temple University
  • MPH, BS, American University of Beirut