Suffolk in D.C.

Since 1978, Suffolk University has partnered with The Washington Center to offer undergraduate and graduate students unique and powerful learning experiences in our nation’s capital.

Every year, Suffolk students immerse themselves in the epicenter of American politics, advocacy, law, media, and more: Washington, D.C. Through Suffolk’s partnership with The Washington Center (TWC), they attend two-week seminars, engaging face-to-face with leaders in government, news outlets, and think tanks, and network with D.C.-area Suffolk alumni. They also dive even deeper, through semester- and summer-long internships at advocacy groups, nonprofit organizations, law and public relations firms, and government departments.

These first-hand experiences aren’t just memorable teaching and learning methods, they can be career springboards as well, filled with opportunities to connect with those who drive and shape the nation’s public life.

Unique Experiences. Uncommon Access.

TWC seminars and internships are coordinated and led by Suffolk faculty as part of several Suffolk political science courses, but you don’t have to major in political science to enroll. Hundreds of students from across the University—in programs from law to communication, journalism, marketing, and finance—have taken these courses and experienced Suffolk in D.C.

Learn more about your options.

Inside Washington Seminar

Students spend two weeks in January visiting government agencies, think tanks, embassies, media outlets, and more, all around Washington, D.C. Past participants have met and spoken with leaders including Massachusetts Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley and Congressman Joe Kennedy; former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele; and former Secretary of State John Kerry.

Campaign & Inauguration Seminars

During presidential election years, Suffolk in D.C. participants can attend Democratic or Republican party conventions (traveling to the convention host cities) as well as the inauguration of the president the following January in Washington. As in the Inside Washington Seminar, students will meet and interact with political leaders, news correspondents, and scholars.

National Security Seminar

Students attending the National Security Seminar explore the protection of U.S. interests at home, abroad, and online. They interact with national security experts who tackle these issues every day, and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in this intriguing field.


Students spend an academic semester or summer working at internships in organizations from federal government offices like the Department of Education and the Federal Trade Commission, to nonprofits like the United Way and the Urban Institute.

Download video transcript [PDF]


Any currently enrolled Suffolk undergraduate student can participate in TWC seminars and internships. Currently enrolled Suffolk graduate students may participate in seminars. (Alumni may be considered on a case-by-case basis.) Beyond this, general requirements include:

  • Must be at least 18 years of age
  • Must be in good academic standing
  • Must maintain a GPA of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale—students with lower GPAs may be considered
  • Must get approval from your campus liaison and the dean’s office
  • Must commit to fully participate in the program and complete all assignments
  • Must apply to and be accepted by TWC


Ready to experience Suffolk in D.C.? You can learn more about specific enrollment procedures, as well as schedule, cost, and financing details, by contacting the program director Christina Kulich-Vamvakas. Visit The Washington Center's website for more resources.

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