Mujde Yuksel, PhD

Associate Professor, Marketing

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Dr. Mujde Yuksel is a consumer behavior researcher with a special focus on consumer well-being, digital consumption and sports and entertainment marketing. She has authored several publications at various business journals, (e.g., Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Business Research, and Sport Management Review). She is currently the Co-Editor-in-Chief at Journal of Consumer Marketing. She is also the Director of the X Lab at Suffolk University.

As an educator, in addition to her expertise in sports marketing, she has exclusively taught project-based courses that focus on how consumer insights shape decision-making in marketing. As an advocate of customer centricity, she concentrates her teaching on customer experience (CX) and design thinking. She also teaches Neuromarketing at the graduate level.

She enjoys collaborations with organizations for her research such as the NFL and teaching with SiriusXM and Grubhub initiatives. She is currently participating in the Collective Think Tank, a global consortium created by Wasserman to raise visibility of women and drive inclusion in sports, entertainment, and culture. She also sits on the Board of Directors of the Merrimack Valley YMCA and on the Andover Green Advisory Board.

Prior to pursuing a career in academia, she worked as the sponsorship coordinator for the 2010 FIBA World Championship. She was previously a professional basketball player and served in the Turkish National Team. She was also an official Nike Athlete during her professional sports career.

Honors and Recognitions  

  • Massachusetts Gaming Commission Community Research Grant, 2024-2026
  • Fulbright-University of Vaasa Scholar Awardee, 2023-2024
  • Keynote Speaker, The 2nd International Conference on Urban Experience and Design at Tufts University, 2023
  • Top 10% Most Downloaded Paper 2018-2019, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Wiley
  • SBS Research Grant, 2018, 2022, 2023, Suffolk University Sawyer Business School
  • NCAA Graduate Student Research Grant, 2012-2013, NCAA Research Committee

Professional Activities

  • Track Co-Chair, 2025 Transformative Consumer Research Dialogical Conference, 2024-2025
  • Member, Andover Green Advisory Board, 2024-present
  • Co-Editor, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2023-present
  • Member, The Collective Think Tank, Wasserman, 2021-present
  • Member, Board of Directors, Merrimack Valley YMCA, 2021-present
  • Track Co-Chair, 2023 Transformative Consumer Research Dialogical Conference, 2022-2023
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2020-2023
  • Editorial Review Board, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2016-2020
  • Track Co-Chair, 2016 Academy of Marketing Science Conference, 2015-2016
  • Member, The Collective Think Tank, Wasserman, 2021-present
  • Member, Board of Directors, Merrimack Valley YMCA, 2021-present


Recent Intellectual Contributions

Labrecque, L. I., Markos, E., Yuksel, M., & Kahn, T. (2022) Value creation (vs value destruction) as an unexpected consequence of negative comments on innocuous brand social media posts. Journal of Interactive Marketing.

Yuksel, M., Milne, G., & Smith, A. (2021). Fantasy sports and beyond: Complementary digital experiences (CDXs) as innovations for enhancing fan experience. Journal of Business Research, 134, 143-155.

Yuksel, M., Smith, A., Smith, R. S., Bicen, P., Wilson, E., & Weiner, J. (2021). Student interest in client-sponsored projects: The quest for engagement in marketing research courses. Journal of Marketing Education.

Yuksel, M., Darmody, A., & Venkatraman, M. (2019). When consumers own their work: Psychological ownership and consumer citizenship behaviour on crowdsourcing platforms. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 18(1), 3-11.

Darmody, A., Yuksel, M., & Venkatraman, M. (2017). The work of mapping and the mapping of work: Prosumer roles in crowdsourced maps. Journal of Marketing Management, 33(13-14), Pages 1093-1119.

Yuksel, M., McDonald, M. A., Milne, G. R., & Darmody, A. (2017). The paradoxical relationship between fantasy football and nfl consumption: Conflict development and consumer coping mechanisms. Sport Management Review, 20(2), 198-210.

Yuksel, M., & Labrecque, L. I. (2016). Digital buddies: Parasocial interactions in social media. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 10(4), 321-337.

Yuksel, M., Milne, G. R., & Miller, E. G. (2016). Social media as complementary consumption: The relationship between consumer empowerment and social interactions in experiential and informative contexts. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 33(2), 111-123.

Yuksel, M., McDonald, M. A., & Joo, S. (2016). Cause-related sport marketing (CRSM): An organizing framework and knowledge development opportunities. European Sport Management Quarterly, 16(1), 58-85.

Press Articles and Industry Report Contributions

Yuksel, M. (2022, Dec 13). 2023 Expert Outlook on Health and Fitness [Safa Arshadullah], in Canvas8's Expert Outlook 2023: The Age of Instinct.

Yuksel, M. (2021, July 29). The Digital Fitness Boom Is Closing Gender Gaps in Health and Wellness. Healthline Media.

Intellectual Contributions

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Courses Taught

MKT850: Customer Centricity
MKT877: Neuromarketing
MKT499: Customer Insights and Decision Making
MKT426: Sports Marketing

Professional Links

LinkedIn | Google ScholarWikipedia PageResearchGate

Degrees/Professional Certifications

  • Ph.D., University of Massachusetts-Amherst
  • MBA, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • BSBA, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey

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