Katerina Gonzalez, PhD

Associate Professor, Management and Entrepreneurship

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Dr. Katerina Gonzalez’s research and work interests lie within the field of organizational behavior with a particular focus on the psychology of organizational change. In her research, she explores how and why people respond to, initiate, and manage change in their work lives. She is interested in how individuals can facilitate—or, equivalently, erode barriers to—positive change in their own lives, organizations, and communities.

In her research, she applies quantitative methods (e.g., surveys, experiments, meta-analytic techniques) to data obtained in the field, in the lab, and from archival datasets. Her research has appeared in journals such as Human Relations, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Personnel Psychology. She also serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science and the Methods Editor for the Management and Business Coordinating Group (MBCG) at the Campbell Collaboration.

Dr. Gonzalez teaches courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level in the areas of management and organizational behavior. Her courses blend theory and evidence-based management with real-world applications. Recently she helped design and launch the new Innovative Teaming course (SBS104), an experiential class required for first year students that combines team dynamics with design thinking and entrepreneurship.

Honors & Recognitions

  • 2023 & 2024 Immersive Learning Teaching Grant, Sawyer Business School, Suffolk University
  • 2021 Academy of Management Showcase Symposium (Top 10% of Organization Development and Change Division)
  • 2019 Top Cited Paper in the International Journal of Selection and Assessment

Professional Activities

  • Associate Editor, the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (2024 - Current)
  • Methods Editor, Management and Business Coordinating Group (MBCG) at the Campbell Collaboration (2024 - Current)
  • Co-Editor for Special Issue, the International Journal of Human Resource Management
    • Special Issue Topic: Employee Accountability: Accounting for Unaccounted and Under-studied Employees
  • Editorial Review Board, the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (2019 - 2024)


Recent Intellectual Contributions

Intellectual Contributions

Katerina Gonzalez's Intellectual Contributions [PDF]

Katerina Gonzalez

Contact Me

Office Hours

Courses Taught

MGT217: Organizational Behavior
MGT610: Organizational Behavior
SBS104: Innovative Teaming
SIB 550: Global Travel Seminar in Italy

Professional Links

LinkedIn | Google Scholar | Research Gate | Personal Website

Degrees/Professional Certifications

  • PhD, MPhil, MBA, City University of New York
  • BS, New York University