Chaim Letwin, Esq, PhD

Carol Sawyer Parks Endowed Chair, Associate Chair, Entrepreneurship; Professor, Management and Entrepreneurship

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Dr. Chaim Letwin’s primary research interests focus on the processes through which entrepreneurs obtain capital through various funding mechanisms and how these processes differ based on personal attributes of the entrepreneur and biases that funders hold. His recent work includes an analysis of implicit funder bias and how such bias can benefit female entrepreneurs in crowdfunding. He has published in The Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, The Journal of Applied Psychology, The Journal of Business Ethics, Harvard Business Review, etc.

Chaim has also applied his interest in crowdfunding to the classroom and co-created one of the first live crowdfunding classes in the nation. He currently holds the Carol Sawyer Parks Endowed Chair for Entrepreneurial Studies and is the Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Academic Programs for Entrepreneurship.


Recent Intellectual Contributions

Letwin, C., Ciuchta, M. P., Johnson, M., Stevenson, R., & Ford, C. (2024). Passion and attractiveness on display: An examination of gender bias in crowdfunding. Small Business Economics, 63(1), 165-192.

Stevenson, R., McMahon, S. R., Ciuchta, M. P., & Letwin, C. (2024). More than capital? Transaction costs, trade-offs, and value for small businesses in novel funding transactions. Journal of Small Business Management, 62(4), 2152-2179.

Letwin, C., Ciuchta, M., Stevenson, R., & McMahon, S. (2023). Being Coachable Can Pay Off for Founders–Up to a Point. Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange.

Stevenson, R., McMahon, S. R., Letwin, C., & Ciuchta, M. P. (2022). Entrepreneur fund-seeking: toward a theory of funding fit in the era of equity crowdfunding. Small Business Economics, 58(4), 2061-2086.

Stevenson, R., McMahon, S., Letwin, C., Ciuchta, M. (2021). Entrepreneur fund-seeking: Toward a theory of funding fit in the era of equity crowdfunding. Small Business Economics.

Rice, D., Letwin, C., Wo, D., Taylor, R. (2020). Extending the Trickle-Down Model of Abusive Supervision. The Role of Moral Disengagement. Journal of Social Psychology, 161(1), 40-46.

Taylor, S. G., Griffith, M. D., Vadera, A. K., Folger, R., Letwin, C. (2019). Breaking the Cycle of Abusive Supervision: How Disidentification and Moral Identity Help the Trickle-Down Change Course. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY, 104(1), 164-182.

Stevenson, R., Ciuchta, M., Letwin, C., Dinger, J. M., Vancouver, J. (2019). Out of Control or Right on the Money? Funder Self-Efficacy and Crowd Bias in Equity Crowdfunding. Journal of Business Venturing.

Johnson, M. A., Stevenson, R. M., Letwin, C. (2018). A woman's place is in the ... startup! Crowdfunder judgments, implicit bias, and the stereotype content model. Journal of business venturing, 33(6), 813-831.

Ciuchta, M., Letwin, C., Stevenson, R., McMahon, S., Huvaj, M. N. (2018). Betting on the Coachable Entrepreneur: Signaling and Social Exchange in Entrepreneurial Pitches. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.

Ciuchta, M. P., Letwin, C., Stevenson, R. M., McMahon, S. R. (2016). Regulatory Focus and Information Cues in a Crowdfunding Context. Applied psychology-an international review-psychologie appliquee-revue internationale, 65(3), 490-514.

Letwin, C., Wo, D., Folger, R., Rice, D., Taylor, R., Richard, B., Taylor, S. (2016). The ‘‘Right’’ and the ‘‘Good’’ in Ethical Leadership: Implications for Supervisors’ Performance and Promotability Evaluations. Journal of Business Ethics.

Ciuchta, M. P., Miner, A. S., Gong, Y., Letwin, C., Sadler, A. (2016). Imprinting and the progeny of university spin-offs. The Journal of Technology Transfer.

Letwin, C., Ciuchta, M., Stevenson, R. (2021). A Psychological Perspective on Raising Startup Capital: Pitching in the Modern Era. The Psychology of Entrepreneurship: New Perspectives – 2nd volume of The Psychology of Entrepreneurship.
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Courses Taught

ENT 329: Protecting Value (ENT III)
ENT 340: Crowdfunding the Venture
ENT 521: Entrepreneurship Internship
MBA 740: Immerse Travel Seminar, Las Vegas
MGT 360: Leadership 360 Practicum

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Degrees/Professional Certifications

PhD, University of Central Florida
JD, MBA, Villanova University
BS, Pennsylvania State University