Dr. Kim Wang is a scholar, educator, and innovator with over 20 years of experience researching and working in technology industries. Trained as an engineer and educated in management, Dr. Wang focuses her scholarly pursuits on understanding why and when firms should innovate. Her research draws on her Taiwanese roots and tracks the technology landscape across Pacific Asia, observing market traction of emerging technologies and studying how mature firms drive innovation. As a Fulbright scholar, she joins the ranks of contributors to burgeoning innovation ecosystems in the land of Aphrodite, Cyprus.
Recent Intellectual Contributions
Wang, I.-C., Qian, L. (2024). Promoting clean energy transition and industry emergence: Leveraging public funding for the commercialization of fuel cell technologies. Industry and Innovation, 1-26.
Lehrer, M., Wang, I.-C., Behnam, M. (2024). Lopsided Schumpeterian competition and the superstar phenomenon in OLED flat-panel displays. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 36(8), 1943-1959.
Chen, K., Wang, I.-C., Seidle, R. J. (2024). Navigating digital transformation: The role of management innovation in achieving digital maturity. The Learning Organization.
Wong, C. Y., & Wang, I. K. (2023). Resistant, Path Creation, or Resilient? An Empirical Study of 87 Innovative Cities Worldwide. Seoul Journal of Economics, 36(2), 165-191.
Wong, C.-Y., Wang, I.-C., Sheu, J., Hu, M.-C. (2022). What network orientation supports the development of a resilient city? Evidence from the innovation systems of eighty-seven cities. I, 131.
Wang, I. (2021). Innovation behind the frontier: strategies of technological laggards. International Journal of Technology Management, 86 (1), 1-24.
Qian, L., & Wang, I. (2020). Generational technology advancement and firm growth: A study of sales growth in the flat panel display industry. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 56, 101571.
Wang, I., Bendell, B. L., Kubo, R., & Leo, E. (2020). The interdependency of cash flow rights and voting rights on post-acquisition value. Asia Pacific Management Review. 25(3), 177-187.
Wang, I., & Seidle, R. (2020). Ambition in innovation: Vicarious learning in the nascent electric scooter market in Taiwan. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 152, 119886.
Celo, S., Nebus, J., Wang, I. (2018). The role of internal and external complexity in global factory performance: An NKC application. Journal of International Management, 24(1), 65-83.
Wang, I., Seidle, R. (2017). The degree of technological innovation: A demand heterogeneity perspective. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 125, 166-177.
Qian, L., Wang, I. (2017). Competition and innovation: The tango of the market and technology in the competitive landscape. Managerial and Decision Economics, 38(8), 1237-1247.
Wang, I. (2017). Technology deployment by late movers. International Journal of Innovation Management, 21(3), 24.
Lehrer, M., Banerjee, P. M., Wang, I. (2017). From temporal to multiplicative scaling in process-based technologies. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 117, 151–159.
Wang, I., Qian, L., Lehrer, M. (2017). From technology race to technology marathon: A behavioral explanation of technology advancement. European Management Journal, 35(2), 187-197.
Lehrer, M., Banerjee, P. M., Wang, I. (2016). The improvement trajectory of PCR DNA replication and ERP software as general purpose technologies: An exploratory study of “anchor technologies”. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 28(3), 290-304.
Celo, S., Nebus, J., Wang, I. (2015). MNC structure, complexity, and performance: Insights from NK methodology. Journal of International Management, 21(3), 182-199.
Wang, I., Yang, H.-S., Miller, D. (2015). Collaboration in the shadow of the technology frontier: Evidence from the flat panel display industry. Managerial Decision Economics, 36(7), 456-469.
Intellectual Contributions
Professional Service
- Associate Editor, Technological Forecasting & Social Change (2022–Present)
- Reviewer: Journal of Business Research, Asia Pacific Management Review, Technological Forecasting & Social Change
- Program Reviewer, Cyprus Seeds, Nicosia (2024–2025)
Awards and Honors
- Fulbright Award, U.S. State Department (2024)
- CICL Excellent Fellow, Center for Innovation and Change Leadership (2021)