Russell Seidle, PhD

Associate Professor, Strategy and International Business

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Professor Seidle’s research examines the role of distinct forms of organizational learning in the process of technological innovation. This work seeks to explain how entrepreneurial firms use knowledge from different sources in new product development activities. He studies these phenomena in the biopharmaceutical and medical device sectors, primarily using qualitative data collection and analysis approaches.

Seidle has published articles in Technological Forecasting and Social Change, The Learning Organization, Journal of World Business, International Journal of Innovation Management, and Social Behavior and Personality. He is the recipient of a number of awards for this research: the Literati Award (Highly Commended Paper) from Emerald Publishing, the Douglas Nigh Award for best interdisciplinary International Management division paper authored by junior scholars from the Academy of Management, the WAM 2017 Past Presidents Best Paper Award from the Western Academy of Management, and the Knut Holt Best Paper Award from the International Society for Professional Innovation Management Americas Innovation Forum.

In addition to this academic work, Professor Seidle has consulted for or developed training programs for a number of public- and private-sector entities in the U.S. and Canada. These organizations include Manulife, Teleflex Incorporated, Fraco Products, the Mont Saint-Hilaire Biosphere Reserve, and Rapid Snack.

Honors and Recognitions

  • Emerald Literati Award (Highly Commended Paper) for “Sequences of learning types for organizational ambidexterity” published in The Learning Organization – 2020
  • Douglas Nigh Award (Best interdisciplinary IM division paper authored by junior scholars) for “The Role of Distinct Organizational Learning Types in Value Chain Fine-Slicing Decisions” (with C.A. Rodriguez) at Academy of Management Annual Meeting – 2020
  • WAM 2017 Past Presidents Best Paper Award for “Opportunity Development in Biopharmaceuticals and Medical Devices: Assessing the Roles of Experiential and Vicarious Learning” at Western Academy of Management Conference – 2017
  • Knut Holt Best Paper Award for “The Dynamics of Organizational Learning in Technological Innovation” at International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) Americas Innovation Forum – 2014
  • Outstanding Theoretical Paper Award for “Experiential and Vicarious Learning: Implications for the Process of Technological Innovation” at Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Organizational Behavior & Theory Track – 2011
  • Nominee for Innovative Teaching Award (EMBA-780) – 2020
  • Nominee for Innovative Teaching Award (SIB-429) – 2017


Recent Intellectual Contributions

Chen, K.-Z., Wang, I.K. & Seidle, R.J. (2024). Navigating digital transformation: The role of management innovation in achieving digital maturity. The Learning Organization.

Seidle, R. (2024). A multilevel view of internal technological innovation. Journal of the International Council for Small Business, 6(1):18–32.

Seidle, R. (2024). Searching wide or staying close: The relative use of distinct organisational learning types in high and low novelty innovations. Industry and Innovation, 31(9): 1101–1140.

Wang, I.K. & Seidle, R. (2020). Ambition in innovation: Vicarious learning in the nascent electric scooter market in Taiwan. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 152.

Seidle, R. (2019). Sequences of learning types for organizational ambidexterity. The Learning Organization, 26(4): 381-396.

Wang, I.K. & Seidle, R. (2017). The degree of technological innovation: A demand heterogeneity perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 125: 166-177.

Shin, D., Seidle, R., & Okhmatovskiy, I. (2016). Making the foreign familiar: The influence of TMT and BOD characteristics on the adoption of foreign practices. Journal of World Business, 51(6): 937-949.

Seidle, R. (2015). Organisational learning sequences in technological innovation: Evidence from the biopharmaceutical and medical device sectors. International Journal of Innovation Management, 19(3). DOI: 10.1142/S1363919615400071.

Intellectual Contributions

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Courses Taught

EMBA-740: Madrid Travel Seminar
EMBA-711: Managing in the Global Environment
MBA-760: World Class Strategies
SBS-298: Managing Wicked Global Problems
SIB-H429: Honors Strategic Management
SIB-429: Strategic Management

Professional Links

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Degrees/Professional Certifications

  • PhD, McGill University
  • MBA, McGill University
  • Honors Bachelor of Commerce, University of Ottawa