Karén Simonyan, PhD

Associate Professor, Finance

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Dr. Karén Simonyan’s research interests are in the areas of empirical corporate and entrepreneurial finance such as management quality, securities issuance, venture capital, mergers & acquisitions, anti-takeover provisions, corporate restructuring, and corporate innovation. Some of the research topics analyzed recently by Dr. Simonyan include the effect of investor attention on seasoned equity offerings, the effect of anti-takeover provisions on innovation productivity of entrepreneurial firms, the effect of investment banking networks on various aspects of seasoned equity issues, and others. Dr. Simonyan has published in top finance and entrepreneurship journals such as Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Law and Economics, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, among others.

Dr. Karén Simonyan’s teaching interests are in the area of corporate finance. His teaching is focused on experiential learning with particular emphasis on financial modeling, case studies, and computer simulations. Dr. Simonyan played an important role in the establishment of the Financial Wealth Management major introduced at SBS several years ago.


Recent Intellectual Contributions

Refereed Journal Articles

Chemmanur, T.J., Gupta, M., Simonyan, K., 2022. Top management team quality and innovation in venture-backed private firms and IPO market rewards to innovative activity. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 46 (4), 920-951. 

Han, K.C., Jalal, A., Simonyan, K., 2022. Corporate investment and stock return Mmmentum. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies 25 (1), 2250006.

Chemmanur, T.J., Gupta, M., Simonyan, K., Tehranian, H., 2021. The relationship between venture capital backing and the top management team quality of firms going public and implications for initial public offerings. Journal of Business Venturing 36 (6), 106148.

Bajo, E., Chemmanur, T.J., Simonyan, K., Tehranian, H., 2016. Underwriter networks, investor attention, and initial public offerings. Journal of Financial Economics 122 (2), 376-408.

Prezas, A.P, Simonyan, K., 2015. Corporate divestitures: Spin-offs vs. sell-offs. Journal of Corporate Finance 34, 83-107.

Book Chapters

Chemmanur, T. J., Simonyan, K., 2017. Top Management Quality, Corporate Finance, and Corporate Innovation. In Bihong Huang, Xuan Tian, Bohui Zhang (Eds.), Handbook of Corporate Innovation. Tokyo: Asian Development Bank (forthcoming).

Intellectual Contributions

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Courses Taught

FIN 200: Business Finance
FIN 415: Capital Budgeting
FIN 808: General Theory in Corporate Finance
FIN 812: Capital Budgeting

Professional Links

LinkedIn | Google Scholar | SSRN

Degrees/Professional Certifications

  • PhD, Boston College
  • MBA, American University of Armenia
  • BS, State Engineering University of Armenia