The Center for Innovative Collaboration & Leadership helps Suffolk faculty:
- Find partners for research (e.g., international partners)
- Present their work in progress in suitable public arenas (e.g., workshops, and conferences co-sponsored by Center)
- Get research grant support through external grants and summer research
- Meet business, non-profit, and governmental representatives who might become future consulting clients or project partners
Suffolk University Fellows
Ariel Markelevich![]() Department: Accounting Research Area: Analytics |
Russell Seidle![]() Department: SIB Research Area: Technology Innovation, Entrepreneurship |
Kate Li![]() Department: ISOM Research Area: Technology Innovation |
Yurong (Chrisy) Yao![]() Department: ISOM Research Area: Technology Innovation and Adoption |
Brenda Bond-Fortier![]() Department: Public Service Research Area: Change Management |
Katerina Gonzalez![]() Department: MGT/ENT Research Area: Change Management, Leadership |
Greg Beaver![]() Department: MGT/ENT Research Area: Diversity, Cross-cultural management |
Pelin Bicen![]() Department: Marketing Research Area: Innovation |
Mark Lehrer![]() Department: SIB Research Area: Innovation and Technology |
I. Kim Wang![]() Department: SIB Research Area: Technology and Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship |
Lauren Hajjar![]() Department: Public Service Research Area: Institute of Public Service |
Erin E. Sullivan![]() Department: Healthcare Administration Research Area: Healthcare Organizational Change, Leadership |
Zhen (Jane) Zhu![]() Department: Marketing Research Area: Innovation Strategy, Sustainability |
Alexis Montecinos![]() Department: Finance Research Area: Financial Innovation |
Katrina Graham![]() Department: MGT/ENT Research Area: Leadership, Ethical Decision Making, and Workplace Conflict |
Kaushik Ghosh![]() Department: ISOM Research Area: Technology and Digital Innovation in Healthcare |
Affiliated Fellows
Associate professor of International Business
Deputy Dean of School of Business
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
Fellows at Work
Affiliated Fellows
Foley, Susan
Managing Partner
Corporate Entrepreneurs, LLC
Miozzo, Marcela
Professor of Economics & Management of Innovation
Manchester Business School
The University of Manchester
Ordanini, Andrea
Associate Professor of Management
Bocconi University, Milan
Sapsed, Jonathan
Research Fellow at the Centre for Research in Innovation Management, University of Brighton
Research Fellow of the Advanced Institute of Management (AIM), Cranfield University
Venkatesh, Alladi
Professor of Management and Computer Science
Acting Director, CRITO (Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations)
University of California at Irvine
Kamis, A., Yao, Y., Kim, S. (2014). An Empirical Validation of the Patient-Centered E-Health Framework in Patient-Focused Websites. Communications of the AIS, 34(25), 477-492.
Zai, A., Kim, S., Kamis, A., Hung, K.-T., Ronquillo, J., Chueh, H. C., Atlas, S. J. (2014). Applying Operations Research to Optimize a Novel Population Management System for Cancer Screening. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (21), e129-e135.
Bond, B. J. and A. A. Braga (2013). "Rethinking the Compstat process to enhance problem-solving responses: insights from a randomized field experiment." Police Practice and Research: 1-14.
Bond, B. J. and L. Hajjar (forthcoming 2013). "Measuring congruence between property crime problems and response strategies: Enhancing the problem-solving process." Police Quarterly.
DeFillippi, R. (2013). Project Based Organizations in Creative Industries. Handbook of Creative Industries. C. Jones, M. Lorenzen and J. Sapsed. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Detjen, J., M. Waters and K. Watson (2013). The Orange Line: A Woman's Guide to Integrating Career, Family, and Life, JMK Publishing.
Dumas, C. Foley, S., Weismann, M. F., Williamson, A. Hunt, P. (2013). National Business and Economics Society 14th Annual Conference, "A Collaborative Enterprise Business Model: Is It Sustainable?" National Business and Economics Society, Herradura, Costa Rica, March 7.
Hung, K.-T. and H. Maleki (2013). "Applying group technology to the forging industry." Production Planning & Control.
Li, J., C. Tangpong, K.-T. Hung and T. Johns (2013). "The role of interfirm reciprocity norm and agent conscientiousness in supply contract adjustment decision. ." Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 28(8).
Markelevich, A. and T. Riley (2013). "Embracing the XBRL Requirement." The CPA Journal.
Ngugi, B. and A. Kamis (2013). "Modeling the Impact of Biometric Security on Millennials’ Protection Motivation." Journal of Organizational and End User Computing.
Rivard, P. E., V. A. Parker and A. K. Rosen (2013). "Quality Improvement for Patient Safety: Project-Level vs. Program-Level Learning." Health Care Management Review 38 (1): 40-50.
Roser, T., R. DeFillippi and A. Samson (2013). "Managing your co-creation mix: co-creation ventures in distinctive contexts." European Business Review 25(1): 20-41.
Singer, S. J. R., P.E., J. Hayes, P. Shokeen, D. M. Gaba and A. K. Rosen (2013). "Making it Stick: A Case Study of Adapting Leveraging Frontline Expertise for a Veteran Administration Medical Center." Joint
Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 39(8): 349-360.
Singer, S.J., Rivard, P.E., Hayes, J., Shokeen, P., Gaba, D.M., Rosen, A.K. 2013.“Improving Patient Care Through Leadership Engagement with Frontline Staff: A Department of Veterans Affairs Case Study.” Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. Vol 39(8), pp. 349-360.
Bao, Y., X. Chen, et al. (accepted). "External Learning, Market Dynamics, and Radical Innovation: Evidence from China’s High-Tech Firms." Journal of Business Research.
Bao, Y., S. Sheng, et al. (accepted). "Network-based Market Knowledge and Product Innovativeness." Marketing Letters.
Blodgett, M. S., Dumas, C., Zanzi, A. (2012). Emerging Trends in Global Business: A Comparative Study of U.S. and International Family Business Values. Journal of Business Ethics. Jan. 7.
Bond, B. J. and E. Gebo (2012). Learning From Community Responses to Gangs. Community Strategies to Reduce Gang Violence using the CGM. MD: Lexington Books.
Bond, B. J., N. Kustanovitz, et al. (in press). The Fundamental Challenges of Defining and Measuring Retaliatory Gang Violence. Beyond Suppression: Comprehensive Strategies to Reduce Gang Violence. E. Gebo and B. J. Bond. Lanham, MD, Lexington Books.
DeFillippi, R. and P. Wikstrom (2012). Business Innovation and Disruption in Publishing. Lisbon, Media xxi.
Dumas, Colette, (2012). 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business, "Xerox and P&G. Co-Innovation Partnership," University of Louisville; Asia Journal of Entrepreneurship and Strategy, Honolulu, Hawaii. (May 26).Conference Proceedings.
Gebo, E. and B. J. Bond (in press). Beyond Suppression: Comprehensive Strategies to Reduce Gang Violence. Lanham, MD, Lexington Books.
Gebo, E. and B. J. Bond (in press). Introduction to Gang Reduction Responses. Beyond Suppression: Comprehensive Strategies to Reduce Gang Violence. E. Gebo and B. J. Bond. Lanham, MD, Lexington Books.
Gomaa, M. I., A. Markelevich, et al. (forthcoming). "Introducing XBRL through a Financial Statement Analysis Project." Journal of Accounting Education.
Hällgren, M. and R. DeFillippi (2012). The Advertising Nexus: Understanding paradoxes of creativity in project-intensive advertising agencies. Projects and Temporary Organizations – Theory and Practice. R. A. L. a. M. Hällgren, Liber/CBS Press.
Markelevich, A., L. Shaw, et al. (2012). An Analysis of the Israeli XBRL-Adoption Experience.
Miozzo, M., M. Lehrer, et al. (2012). "Economies of scope through multi-unit skill systems: The organization of large design firms." British Journal of Management 23.
Narayanan, V. K. and R. DeFillippi (2012). The Influence of Strategic Context on Project Management Systems: A Senior Management Perspective. Project Governance: Getting Investments Right. K. S. a. T. Williams. New York, John Wiley.
Segal, L. and M. Lehrer (2012). "The institutionalization of stewardship: Theory, propositions, and insights from change in the Edmonton Public Schools." Organization Studies 33.
Bond, B. J. (2011). Understanding the External Dimensions of Police Executive Decision-Making. Administration of Criminal Justice Organizations.
DeFillippi, R. and L. Levesque (2011). "Innovation Integration and Crossing Disciplinary Borders in Curriculum Assessment and Program Development." Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice 1(1): 68-75.
DeFillippi, R. J. and M. Lehrer (2011). "Temporary modes of project-based organization within evolving organizational forms: Insights from Oticon's experiment with the Spaghetti Organization." Advances in Strategic Management 28: 61-82.
Dumas, C., DeFillippi, R., Bhatia, S. (2011). 11th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations, "Dreaming Up A Co-Innovation Partnership," CEU Madrid, Madrid Spain. (June 15).Conference Proceedings.
Dumas, C. (2011). "Xerox P&G Co-Innovation Partnership," Eastern Academy of Management/CASE Conference, Boston, MA. (May).
Hung, K.-T. (2011). Chief Information Officer. INFORMS, Technology Management Section.
Kamis, A. and J. Frank (2011). An Explanatory Model of Collaborative Online Travel Planning by Millennials. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences Kauai, HI.
Lehrer, M., K. Asakawa, et al. (2011). "Offshore knowledge incubation: The "third path" for embedding R&D labs in foreign systems of innovation." Journal of International Management 17(1): 42-53.
Markelevich, A. and M. Bliss (2011). "RFID and EPC Technologies Enable a New Era of Inventory Management." Strategic Finance (November).
Markelevich, A., L. Shaw, et al. (2011). "Conversion from National Accounting Standards to International Financial Reporting Standards: The Case of Israel." The CPA Journal(March).
Matsumo, K., Z. Zhu, et al. (2011). Business Growth and Customer Equity for Entrepreneurial Firms: Impact of Marketing-R&D Integration and R&D Strength in Corporate Setting. AMS World Marketing Conference, France, AMS.
Mull, H.J., Nebeker, J.R., Shimada, S., Kaafarani, H.M.A., Rivard, P.E., Rosen, A.K. 2011. “Consensus Building for Development of Outpatient Adverse Drug Event Triggers.” Journal of Patient Safety. Vol. 7, pp. 66-71.
Nakata, C., Z. Zhu, et al. (2011). "Integrating Marketing and Information Service Functions: A Complementarity and Competence Perspective." Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 39(October): 700-716.
Ngugi, B., Kamis, A., Tremaine, M. (2011). Intention to Use Biometric Systems. e-Service Journal, 7(3), 20-46.
Shipton, H. and R. DeFillippi (2011). Psychological theories in organizational learning: a four-quadrant framework. A Handbook of Organizational Learning. M. Easterby-Smith and M. Lyles, Blackwell.
Zhu, Z. (2011 ). Understanding Perceived Values in Adopting New Product Category: A Study on Café Consumers in Chinese Cities. Annual Conference of China Marketing Science (CMS), Guangzhou, China, Chinese Marketing Association.
Zinsmeister, S. and M. Venkatraman (2011). "I AM HUNGRY: Cheap Eats in Cyberspace." The CASE Journal 8(1).
Bao, Y., X. Chen, et al. (2010). A Contingent View of External Learning and Radical Innovations: Evidence from China's High-Tech Firms.
Bao, Y., S. Sheng, et al. (2010). Network-Based Market Knowledge Breadth, Depth, and Product Innovativeness.
Behnam, M. and T. MacLean (2011). Where is the accountability in International Accountability Standards? A Decoupling perspective. Business Ethics Quarterly 21(1): 45-72.
Beinecke, R. H., Minas, H., Goldsack, S., Peters, J. (2010). International Journal of Leadership in Public Services. Global Mental Health Leadership Training Programs.
Bond, B. J. (2010). Spring-Summer 2010 completed two white papers for the Pioneer Institute, a Boston-based think tank. Papers were focused on public safety policy issues.
Bond, B. J. and J. H. Gittell (2010). Cross-agency coordination of reentry: Testing collaboration outcomes. Journal of Criminal Justice 38: 118-129.
Davern, M. and A. Kamis (2010). Knowledge Matters: Restrictiveness and Performance with Decision Support. Decision Support Systems 49(4): 343-353.
DeFillippi, R. and R. Culpan (2010). "Introduction to special issue on Multi-Organizational Partnerships, Alliances, and Networks: Vehicles for Innovation and Change." International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances 1(3): 217-222.
Detjen, J. (2010). CICL Service, Ran a workshop on managing change for the Massachusetts Department of Revenue.
Detjen, J. (2010). consulting engagement focused on building skills in teams and individuals to develop a collaborative approach to setting and managing clear expectations.
Detjen, J. (2010). consulting engagement focused on developing leaders who can help their organizations change and grow.
Detjen, J. (2010). consulting engagement focused on working with an organization to develop innovative ways and approaches to show how leaders can integrate their life and work.
Dumas, C., Hartstein, D., Kahn, B., Mana, J., Sergenian, G., Vega, G. (2010). KaBloom Explodes on the Scene. Case Research Journal, 30(1), 1-17.
Dumas, C. (2010). The Path to Mindfulness in Leadership Training. In Jonathan Westover (Ed.), Training The Next Generation of Knowledge Workers. Effective Secondary Education and Workplace Learning Practices to Drive Enhanced Workforce Competitive Advantage in a Global Economy (pp. 127-142). University of Illinois Research Park, Champaign, Illinois: Common Ground Publisher.
Dumas, Colette, (2010). "A Unique and Counterintuitive Opportunity: The Bottom of the Economic Pyramid," Third International Global Studies Conference, Pusan University, Busan, South Korea. (June 21).
Hung, K.-T., coinvestigator-Coulter, Robin (2010). Understanding the Transformation of the House into a Connected Home, Department of Defense and awarded by the Boston University Institute for Leading in a Dynamic Economy (BUILDE).
Hung, K.-T. a. T., C. (2010). General risk propensity in multifaceted business decisions: Scale development. Journal of Managerial Issues, 1: 88-106.
Kaafarani, H.M.A., Rosen, A.K., Nebeker, J.R., Shimada, S., Mull, H.J., Rivard, P.E., Savitz, L., Helwig, A., Shin, M.H., Itani, K.M.F. 2010. “Development of Trigger Tools for Surveillance of Adverse Events in Ambulatory Surgery.”Quality and Safety in Health Care. Vol. 19, pp. 425-429.
Kamis, A., T. Stern, et al. (2010). A Flow-Based Model of Purchase Intention when Users Customize Products in Business-to-Consumer Electronic Commerce. Information Systems Frontiers 12(2): 157-168.
Kasper, H., M. Lehrer, et al. (2010). "Thinning knowledge: An interpretive field study of cross-site knowledge-sharing practices in three industries." Journal of Management Inquiry 19(4): 367-381.
Kreikebaum, H., Gilbert, D. U., & Behnam, M. (2011). Strategic Management, 7th edition. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer.
Lehrer, M., Asakawa, K., Behnam, M. (2010). Home Base-Compensating R&D: Indicators, Public Policy, and Ramifications for Multinational Firms. Journal of International Management 17(1): 42-53.
MacLean, T., Behnam, M. (2010). The Dangers of Decoupling: The Relationship between Compliance Programs, Legitimacy Perceptions, and Institutionalized Misconduct. Academy of Management Journal 53(6): 1499-1520.
Rivard, P.E., Elixhauser, A., Christiansen, C.L., Zhao, S., Rosen, A.K. 2010. “Testing the Association Between Patient Safety Indicators and Hospital Structural Characteristics in VA and Nonfederal Hospitals.” Medical Care Research and Review. 67(3), pp. 321-341.
Tangpong, C., Hung, K.-T., and Ro, Y.K. (2010). Opportunism in buyer-supplier relationships: The interactionist perspective. Journal of Operations Management, in press.
All fellows are involved in one or more of the following ongoing projects of the Center.
- Working Paper submission
- Research Grant preparation
- Workshop Participant (Presenter, Facilitator)
- Research co-sponsored by CICL for future Working Paper submission
- Research Grant focused on Innovation or Change
- Conference organizer or presenter
- Teacher of Curriculum on Innovation and Change Leadership (undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate)