Investigator's Toolbox
The investigator's toolbox is a web-based information repository designed to assist investigators and staff involved in research involving human participants. The toolbox contains templates, forms, guidelines, regulations, and information materials to assist in the development and conduct of high-quality research studies.
IRB Committee Members
- Michele Cioffi
IRB Member, Student Representative - Christopher Dearborn, JD
IRB Member, Law School - Ashley DiFraia
IRB Member, Office of Research & Sponsored Programs - David Gansler, Ph.D.
IRB Member, Department of Psychology - Paul Guarino, Ph.D.
IRB Member, Information Technology Services - Lia Martin, Ph.D.
IRB Member, Unaffiliated Member: The Justice Resource Institute - Christine Nolder, Ph.D.
IRB Member , Chair, Business School - Rachel Plews
Center for Teaching and Scholarly Excellence - Emma Smith
IRB Member, Student Representative - Denyce Wicht, Ph.D.
IRB Member, Chemistry & Biochemistry - Andrew Wilson, Ph.D.
IRB Member, Marketing
What You Need to Know and Do to Submit an IRB Application for the First Time
- Access IRB Net
- Submitting Continuing reviews, Protocol Modifications, and Final reports on IRBNet [DOC]
- Human Subjects Research Application [PDF]
- Request for Continuing Review [DOC]
- Protocol Modification Request [DOC]
- Human Subjects Research Final Report [PDF]
- Data and Safety Monitoring Plan [DOC]
- HIPAA Waiver Authorization [DOC]
- Report of Unanticipated Problems Involving Risks to Subjects [DOC]
- Report of Protocol Deviation [DOC]
- Consent Audiotaping and Transcription [DOC]
Guidance Documents
- Components of a research proposal/protocol [DOC]
- Guidance on Informed Consent [DOC]
- Guidance on Parental Permission [DOC]
- Guidance on Child Assent [DOC]
- Reporting Unanticipated Problems and Adverse Events [DOC]