Early/Extended Stays & Vacation Periods


Suffolk University's Housing License Agreement does not cover vacation periods; therefore, students must request, in advance, permission to reside in University housing during these periods.

All University housing officially closes during the Thanksgiving, winter, spring and summer break vacation periods. All students must leave the buildings during those periods and will not have access to the building during these periods. Students living in leased properties may be permitted to live in their residence halls during times when Suffolk University Residence Halls are closed. Residence Life & Housing will advise students living in leased properties of those changes where applicable. 

The Housing License Agreement does not cover vacation periods; therefore, students must request, in advance, permission to reside in University housing during these periods.  An additional fee may be charged to students who are granted permission to stay in the halls during vacation periods.  Residence Life & Housing reserves the right to deny resident requests to remain in the halls during vacation periods.  Failure to submit a request by the deadline may result in the denial of the request and/ or a late charge. Food service may not be available during vacation periods. It is possible that vacation housing may be available in a specific building and that students may need to relocate. Vacation closing dates are listed in the Housing License Agreement.

Residents may be charged $100 fine if they are found in the housing areas after the designated closing time of the building. Residents will also be escorted out of the residence hall and/or instructed to wait in the lobby until their transportation arrives.