Finance Committee

You know those student activities fees on your student account invoices? The Finance Committee is the Student Government Association branch responsible for all financial matters related to them.


Recommend funding for recognized clubs and organizations, develop rules and policies for the distribution of funds from the Student Activities Fee, and manage SGA accounts. The committee will consist of nine (9) members: One senator from each of the four (4) academic classes, four (4) non-SGA undergraduate students, and the SGA Treasurer who will serve as the chairperson of the committee. The Program and Treasury Advisor will serve as the advisor to the committee.

Important Forms

Review the By Laws [PDF].               

Initiative requests

Each club and organization can visit the Finance committee during the academic year to request supplemental funds to their awarded budget which is called an initiative request. If you are looking for general initiatives money, use the initiatives form. If you are looking for conference funding, use the initiatives conference form. Each club is expected to provide a powerpoint of their requests, please use the example below as a guideline. Please email the SGA Treasurer to make an appointment and for any questions you may have. Below are the forms needed before you arrive to finance committee

Budget Requests happen once an academic year where each club presents their requested budget for the upcoming year to the Finance Committee. Below are important documents for the budget process.

Check requests must be submitted by 4 p.m. on Fridays in order for the checks to be ready for 1 p.m. the following Friday.

Check Request Form

Chair & Members

Chair: Josh Durand
Vice Chair: Frank Ezhan

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