Military Service

Suffolk University recognizes and appreciates the service and challenges student service members or reservists may face when called to active service while they are enrolled students. Students in this situation may take a Leave of Absence for up to five years of cumulative active service from the University (excluding time between school and service and between periods of service) with right of readmission.  The Dean of Student Affairs for the program in which the student is enrolled will serve as the official point of contact (“POC”) for the student. Students, or an appropriate military officer or Department of Defense official on their behalf, must notify their POC orally or in writing, and are asked to provide as much advance notice as is reasonable under the circumstances.  No later than three years after the end of their period(s) of service, qualifying students must notify their POC of their intent to return.

Suffolk University will work with each student Service member and reservist on a case-by-case basis to address academic and financial considerations, both at the time of their withdrawal and at the time of their return in accordance with Chapter 3 of Volume 2 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook (“the Handbook Provisions”). At the time of withdrawal, the student’s POC will work on the student’s behalf with campus departments (Student Account Services, Registrar, Student Financial Services, Academic Advising, Academic Dean’s Offices, etc.) to arrange late course withdrawals, leaves of absence, University financial consideration, etc.  At the time of return, and in accordance with and subject to the Handbook Provisions, the POC will also assist the student Service Member with re-entry to their academic program, normally at the beginning of the next term following their notice of intent to return. The POC will ensure that the student Service member returns with the appropriate academic status and subject to appropriate tuition rates as set out in the Handbook Provisions.

Students are encouraged to view the University's webpage regarding veterans and active duty military.

Separate from Suffolk University action or assistance, student service members or reservists are subject to the rules and regulations established by the U.S. Department of Education regarding financial aid and by regulations governing veteran‘s benefits.