Our Team

Contact Us:

73 Tremont Street, 12th Floor
Monday - Friday: 8:45 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.

*The Student Affairs Office is closed in the evenings, on weekends, and holidays.

In an Emergency:

On Campus: Call Suffolk University Police Department: 617-573-8111
Off Campus: Call 911

Case Managers

Boston skyline with Boston Common taken in Fall

Doreen Floyd

Director of Student Outreach & Support

Suffolk University CARES Program. Madison Pimental, Suffolk CARES Case Manager, "Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren't always comfortable, but they're never weaknesses."

Madison Pimental

Suffolk CARES Case Manager

Suffolk University CARES Program, Justine Morgan, Suffolk CARES case manager/pantry coordinator, "College is an amazing space to grow and gain new experiences in life. It can also bring challenges. If you find yourself struggling and not sure where to go, seek out Suffolk CARES for support."

Justine Morgan

Suffolk CARES Pantry Coordinator/Case Manager

Suffolk University CARES program, Theresa Doherty, Suffolk CARES case manager/Assoc. Dir. new student programs, "Life comes at us in waves. We can't predict or control those waves, but we can learn to surf."

Theresa Doherty

Assoc. Director, New Student Programs, Suffolk University

Schedule a Meeting

The Care Team

The Care Team, comprised of staff from Counseling, Health and Wellness, Residential Life, Spiritual Life, the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion, Conduct & Community Standards, Office of Disability Services, Center for Learning and Academic Success, Academic Advising, International Student Services, the College of Arts & Sciences, and the Sawyer Business School, is a dedicated multidisciplinary group, convened by the Dean of Students office and director of Suffolk CARES. The team meets bi-weekly to provide guidance and support for undergraduate and graduate students struggling with health, academic, or personal concerns. The team works collectively to provide students with the most appropriate systems and support networks that promote student well-being and success.

In these meetings, deans and administrative staff share basic information about a student’s situation for consultation and referral from other team members. Representatives from CHW and Spiritual Life maintain professional standards of confidentiality but may suggest best practices in terms of referral or support.

Information shared at these meetings is consistent with best practice and professional guidelines regarding confidentiality and privacy. For instance, it might be shared that a student is struggling academically, has experienced an illness, injury, or mental health concern, financial challenges, or that other Suffolk community members have expressed concern for the student. Recommendations for support are shared and coordinated with the student through Suffolk CARES.