Teaching Assistance Program

Suffolk University's College of Arts & Sciences Teaching Assistant Program (TAP) provides funding for selected CAS faculty to hire a teaching assistant for one semester. Application information and procedures are sent to eligible faculty for the fall and spring semesters; awards are made on a rolling basis.

TA funding is restricted to full-time CAS undergraduates with junior or senior status or full-time graduate students in CAS graduate programs. TA candidates must be in good academic standing; a minimum GPA of 3.0 is required. The TA award is based on a maximum 10-hour per week commitment for the 15-week semester.

Descriptions of TA positions are advertised on the Financial Services website. Interested students apply directly to the sponsoring faculty member who is responsible for interviewing candidates to ensure appropriate qualifications for the position.

For additional information, please contact Lauren Nolfo-Clements, Associate Dean of Administration, Operations & Planning, in the CAS Dean's Office.