Equipment & Services
Desktop Research Workstations
Found at the entrance level of Sawyer Library.
Research desktops include:
- Internet access
- MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access
- Printing
- Headphone jacks
- USB Port
Printing from Desktop Research Stations
Desktop research stations on the entrance level of the library print to the multipurpose stations near the entrance. After pressing Print, set the printer destination. Use Library_BW for black & white printing, and Library_Color for color. All library printers are capable of duplex printing.
To release your print job, tap your ID card at the printer release station. If this is your first time printing, you will need to register your card at one of the two Card Registration Stations across from the Circulation Desk.
Bloomberg Terminal
The Bloomberg integrated platform is designed to deliver rich data across market sectors and workflows through one unified system. It is built on functions and securities, then organized by asset class and common workflows of financial professionals. Searching is done by menu and command line.
Cheat Sheets are available to help you get started.
Library Laptops
The library has two types of Windows laptops at the Circulation/Reserves Desk.
- Type 1: In-Library use Laptops
- Type 2: Long term loaner (semester long loan period or less as needed)
Library laptops have:
- Internet access through the SU Student WPA2 wireless network.
- MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access
- DVD playback is possible with USB plug-in DVD drive, available for check-out at Circulation.
For instructions on how to connect to the University's wireless network, visit the IT Service Desk wiki.
Printing from Laptops
Personal laptops may be configured to print to library wireless printers; library printers and PaperCut software must be installed on personal laptops.
For instructions on how to how to install PaperCut software and add library printers to your personal laptop, visit our printing guide.
Online Catalog OPAC Workstations
Third and fourth floors of library.
Catalog Stations allow students to conveniently browse our online library catalog, or check email.
See statuses, locations, and call numbers for:
- books
- periodicals (magazines, newspapers, journals)
- microforms
- DVDs
- iphone and android chargers
- library laptops
- Kindles
- Cameras, tripods, and other equipment
Kindle eReaders
Check out Kindles at the Circulation desk. Patrons are encouraged to email the library ahead of time if checking out a Kindle for the first time. For more information on our Kindle Program, call the Circulation Department at 617-573-8535.Kindles may be borrowed for up to 28 days.
The borrower understands that they are liable for the care of the borrowed item and will be responsible for any damage or replacement costs incurred. No unauthorized items may be downloaded by the borrower.
Rules for Use
- Kindles may be borrowed for up to 28 days. Three renewals are possible only if no other patrons are waiting.
- Do not download any content or charge the kindle account without authorization from the Sawyer Library Staff.
- One free eBook may be downloaded onto the kindle with your first checkout, assuming we do not already own a physical copy of the book.
- Please use common sense in care of your borrowed kindle. Avoid moisture, damage to the screen, and misplacing it.
- Copier/scanner machines are available on the 2nd floor (entrance level, behind the stairs)
- The machines can also scan-to-USB. Learn more about library scanning.
Study Room Technology
Many of the group study rooms on the 3rd and 4th floors of the library are equipped with a 75" HDTV that has both wired and wireless connectivity and a button panel for control.
HDMI and Serial cables are available to be checked out at the Circulation Desk.
Microform Reader Printers
Found on the third floor of library.
Digital microforms (both "film" and "fiche") may be saved to your USB drive or printed to the Canon multistations on the 2nd floor.
Projectors for Group Study Rooms
Check out projectors at the Circulation/Reserves desk to project images on the walls of group study rooms.
Projectors are in-library use only, for two hours per checkout.
Your Library Card
Your current Suffolk ID card—or Ram card—is also your library card.
Use your Ram card to check out books, reserve textbooks, laptops, phone chargers, etc.
The Online Catalog
Library Layout
2nd Floor (entrance level)
- Circulation/Reserve desk
- Reference desk
- PC Desktop Workstations
- ADA Print Station
- Wireless Laptop Printers
- Networked Desktop Printers
- New Books Shelf
- Leisure Reading Collection
- Reference Collection
- Granary and King's Chapel Reading Rooms
- Copiers/Scanners
- Restrooms (Located outside the library)
3rd Floor
- Paper Periodicals and Newspaper Collection
- Microfiche and Microfilm collections
- DVD Collection
- Group Study Rooms
- Granary Reading Room
- Poetry Center for readings and events
- Zieman Poetry Collection and Rare Book Room
- Library Instruction Classroom
- Library's IT Help Desk
- Moakley Archive and Institute
- Library Commons
- Wireless Printer
- Gender Inclusive Restrooms
4th Floor
- Circulating Book Collection (QUIET floor)
- Group Study Rooms
- Granary and King's Chapel Reading Rooms
- Vending Machines
- Hot Water Machine
- Wireless Printer
- Restrooms
Books and Book Borrowing
The general circulating collection of the Sawyer Library includes more than 128,000 print volumes covering a wide range of subjects supporting the undergraduate and graduate curriculums.
The library has over 100,000 eBooks. Just like print books, eBooks are searchable in our online library catalog. While circulating books in print are checked out at the Circulation Desk, eBooks are accessed through a direct link in their respective catalog record page.
The library’s main print collections are arranged by Library of Congress (LC) call numbers. LC numbers relate to the subject matter of the book. Circulating books are located on the third and fourth floors. Due to space constraints some books have been moved to the Sawyer Library Annex. These items can be requested and will be available for pick-up after a processing period.
The library also has a leisure reading collection on the second floor, near the Granary Reading Room. This collection contains more general interest titles, including YA literature and graphic novels.
Non-circulating periodicals - magazines, newspapers, print journals - are located on the third floor.
Non-circulating reference books are located on the second floor - entrance level - of the library.
Circulating books may be borrowed for 28 days, plus three renewals.
To borrow books, you must have a valid Suffolk ID.
You may borrow an unlimited number of circulating books.
Due dates are indicated on the card in the back of each book.
Late books should be returned as soon as possible to make them available to others in the community.
Use the My Library Account button on our library homepage to renew your books or view what books you have checked out.
Questions about the collection? Call the Circulation Desk (617) 573-8535.
Renewing Books
You may renew your Sawyer Library books online.
You may renew each book up to three times.
Each book renewal is good for 28 days each.
Reserve Materials
- At least one copy of all required textbooks for College of Arts and Sciences and Sawyer Business School courses are kept at the Circulation/Reserves Desk.
- Supplemental course readings are also kept on reserve at the request of the faculty.
- Course Evaluation Notebooks are kept on permanent reserve.
Reserves materials may be used for two hours inside the library.
You must have a valid Suffolk University ID to use reserve materials.
Questions? Call the Circulation Desk (617) 573-8535.
Kindle Program
Check out Kindles at the Circulation desk. Patrons are encouraged to email the library ahead of time if checking out a Kindle for the first time. For more information on our Kindle Program, call the Circulation Department at 617-573-8535.
The borrower understands that they are liable for the care of the borrowed item and will be responsible for any damage or replacement costs incurred. No unauthorized items may be downloaded by the borrower.
Rules for Use
- Kindles may be borrowed for up to 28 days. Three renewals are possible only if no other patrons are waiting.
- Do not download any content or charge the kindle account without authorization from the Sawyer Library Staff.
- One free ebook may be downloaded onto the kindle with your first checkout, granted we do not already own a physical copy of the book.
- Please use common sense in care of your borrowed kindle. Avoid moisture, damage to the screen, and misplacing it.
Journals, Periodicals, and Microforms
The Sawyer Library has subscriptions to a select number of journals, magazines, and newspapers in print, and online access to more than 70,000 journal titles via our online catalog or via our Journal Locator.
Our print journals are located in the third floor Granary Reading Room, arranged alphabetically on the shelf by title. Large size periodicals, such as newspapers, are located in the hanging folders at the end of the alphabetical ranges. Additionally, several journal titles are available in microform. Periodicals and journals in microform are organized in microfilm and microfiche cabinets located on Level 3 are in order by the title of the journal or newspaper. Microform requires specific equipment; the Sawyer Library has two digital microform readers for reviewing articles, one of which has printing capability.
To find out what periodicals Sawyer Library owns, what format each is in, and where it is located, you may search the online catalog or the "Journal Locator," on the library website. Periodicals cannot leave the library but may be photocopied. Questions? Call the Reference Desk at 617-573-8532.
DVD Collection
Search our DVD collection in the online library catalog!
- Discs may be checked out for seven days with a valid ID card.
Help Guides and Tutorials
Sawyer Library reference librarians create guides to help students discover and use content when undertaking a research project. The guides provide tailored collections of links or tutorials of databases, print materials and reliable web resources. Search our LibGuides collection:
Additionally, the Mildred F. Sawyer Library offers web-based, self-paced instruction modules to help students search, retrieve and evaluate information, and use it ethically. Implement these skill-building resources using ProQuest Research Companion or Information Literacy Content in Canvas.
Finally, instructors may work with reference librarians to plan a live instruction session. Request an interactive library tutorial that supports your students' access to library resources relevant for their work in your class:
Study Areas
The Sawyer Library seats 500 students in several seating areas and seating styles. The 3rd floor Library Commons has additional study rooms, tables, and comfortable chairs.
Individual study carrels and tables are located throughout the library on a first come, first served basis. Carrels and tables provide easy access to an electrical outlet and a wired network jack for each seat.
There are group study rooms on the third and fourth floors; most rooms can be reserved via a reservation link from the library's home page. There are also a small number of open rooms, available on a "first come, first served" basis. HDTV monitors and dataports are available in many of the group study rooms. A limited number of projectors for use inside the group study rooms are available for check-out from the Circulation Desk.
There are also reading areas with comfortable seating throughout the library. The Granary Reading Rooms, located on each floor, includes lounge seating with views of the adjacent burial ground and Tremont Street.
Level 4 of the library is for quiet study. Talking is permitted on Levels 2 and 3 and in the group study rooms.
Library Laptops
The Library has Windows laptops for use within the library; laptops can be checked out at the Circulation desk.
You must have a valid student ID card from Suffolk University to check out a library laptop.
Library Laptops print to wireless laptop printers LibraryMain01, LibraryMain02, and LibraryMain03_BW in black and white. There is also a color option, LibraryMain03 CL. These wireless laptop printers are located on the entrance level of the library. There are also two black and white printers on the third floor (LibraryThirdFloor) and the fourth floor (LibraryFourthFloor).
Library laptops include productivity software like Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Access.
For instruction on the use of productivity software, please see staff in Suffolk computers labs.
Additional tech support for laptops - including student personal laptops - is available through the University ITS Help Desk.
Personal Laptops
- Students are encouraged to bring their personal laptops to the Library!
- Sawyer Library provides a 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless network throughout the library.
- Wi-fi signal and strength are monitored and maintained by the University’s Information Technology Services (ITS) department.
- Students login to the WPA2 secure Library wireless network using their Suffolk University email name and related password.
- Please see online instructions for configuring personal laptops to access the library’s printers and PaperCut software.
- Alternatively, ITS will configure personal laptops for wireless library printing.
Copying and Scanning
- Copier/scanner machines are available on the main level to the library.
- The machines can also scan-to-USB. Learn more about library scanning.
Library Instruction Room
Our 3rd floor library instruction room is reserved for library instruction and information literacy classes.
Faculty: Schedule a library instruction session for your class today!
In your highly customized library instruction session, a reference librarian may cover:
How to successfully search online library databases for scholarly article content.
How to use online reference resources like e-encyclopedias and handbooks.
How to successfully search the online library catalog for books, ebooks, and periodicals.
How to separate a literature review from an original research article.
How to track the cited references of a published article.
How Google and Wikipedia differ from online library databases and authoritative reference sources.
For more information about library instruction, contact the Reference Department at: [email protected]
Moakley Law Library
Fenway Library Organization
Suffolk belongs to a cooperative of area libraries. Suffolk students may use these collections and check out circulating books from them with their Suffolk University IDs. Member libraries include Simmons, Emerson, Lesley, Emmanuel, Mass Art, Wentworth, and Berklee.
Visit the FLO website to see a list of libraries in FLO, to get directions, or to browse member library catalogs.