
The CLAS’s professional staff is educationally and geographically diverse. Members of the CLAS team hold degrees from diverse fields like English, sociology, psychology, higher education administration, and business. Some of our staff members graduated from Suffolk themselves, and many have worked for the University for more than a decade.

Academic Coaching

Orla Downey Portrait in front of bookshelf

Orla Downey
Director, Coaching & Success Programs

Lori Rosenberg Portrait in front of bookshelf

Lori Rosenberg
Academic Coach 

Laureen Simonetti Portrait in front of bookshelf

Laureen Simonetti
Assistant Director

John Zakrosky Headshot

John Zakrosky
Academic Coach

Tutoring, Study Groups, Workshops

jamie bondar Portrait in front of bookshelf

Jamie Bondar
Director, Tutoring & Peer-to-Peer Success Services