Standing Committees

Six committees and one subcommittee support the work of the Suffolk University Board of Trustees

Standing committees and subcommittees

  • Administration and Finance Committee
    • Investment Subcommittee
  • Compensation Committee
  • Audit, Compliance and Risk Management Committee
  • Committee for Advancement and Development
  • Educational Affairs Committee
  • Governance Committee

Below are summary descriptions of each committee's responsibilities:

Administration and Finance

This committee is responsible for considering and making recommendations to the Board on matters pertaining to operating and capital budgets; the University’s real property; and tuitions, fees, and enrollment. The Committee has the authority to approve the construction, renovation, and maintenance of buildings and grounds; investment, reinvestment, and management of all investment assets of the Corporation; and financing transactions.

Investment (Subcommittee)

This subcommittee is responsible for advising the Administration and Finance Committee on how best to invest and reinvest the funds of Suffolk University.  

Compensation Committee

This committee is responsible for establishing a charter and ensuring, under the direction of the president, the ongoing development and review of a system of job descriptions, job classifications, salary ranges, and performance reviews. The Compensation Committee has the responsibility for considering and advising the Board of Trustees on Suffolk University's systems and procedures for executive development. The Compensation Committee also will periodically review the salary of employees who hold positions of significant management responsibility and consider changes proposed by the president. 

Audit, Compliance and Risk Management Committee

This committee is responsible for assisting the Board in monitoring the integrity of the financial statements of Suffolk University, compliance by the University with legal and regulatory requirements, and the independence and performance of its internal and external auditors. The committee also is responsible for the formulation of policies and procedures for the avoidance of trustee conflicts of interest and will monitor potential conflicts of interest and periodically provide a report to the Board. 

Committee for Advancement and Development

This committee is responsible for considering and advising the Board and the Executive Committee on current activities and future planning in Suffolk University's fund-raising, public relations, federal, state, city, and community relations, publications, and alumni relations.

Educational Affairs Committee

This committee is responsible for considering and making recommendations to the Board relating to the educational affairs of the University with advice and counsel from the President, the Provost and the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, including monitoring the University’s progress in advancing its educational mission. Specific responsibilities include receiving reports from the Provost and from the Vice President for Student Affairs and the Athletic Department; overseeing the University’s accreditation processes and compliance; making recommendations to the Board on degree programs; with the President, recommending to the Board faculty candidates for promotion, tenure and sabbaticals; and, in conjunction with the President, recommending to the Board persons deemed worthy of being awarded an honorary degree.

Governance Committee

This committee is responsible for oversight of the Board’s governance structure and function. The committee nominates highly qualified and committed individuals to fill vacancies among the charter trustees and alumni trustees; and reviews good governance practices for private, nonprofit colleges and universities and proposes changes, as appropriate, to the University’s By-laws and Conflict of Interest Policy. Additional responsibilities include ensuring that a program for new Trustees’ orientation is implemented and maintained; nominating Board officers; in consultation with the Board Chair, nominating Board committee members and chairs; reviewing the performance of Trustees nominated for re-election and, after consultation with the Board Chair, reviewing the ongoing performance of Trustees; and periodically recommending to the Board initiatives for assessing and enhancing Board performance.

Executive Committee

In addition to the Standing Committees, the By-laws establish an Executive Committee, which is authorized to act on the Board's behalf in between meetings of the Board, with certain exceptions set out in the By-laws. The Executive Committee meets only if necessary.