Web Group

The Marketing & Communications Web Group provides internet services to the entire Suffolk University community.

The Suffolk University website is our face to potential, future, and current students and their families, our alumni, faculty and staff, and to our neighbors and friends in the heart of Boston.

The Marketing & Communications Web Group provides a broad range of services, managing the content and structure of our website to serve our community, and to share the adventure, and the promise of Suffolk education. We are guided by the university's Mission Statement, Vision, and Core Values, and by a deep regard for our students, and our colleagues in the College of Arts & Sciences, the Sawyer Business School, and the Suffolk Law School.

We employ a talented team of student workers who assist with a variety of tasks while building their resumes for future employment or education.

Our services include but are not limited to:

Website Building & Management

  • Working with outside service providers to improve and expand website functionality
  • Developing and maintaining effective Website Governance
  • Managing  projects and tasks to enable proper allocation of resources and excellent service
  • Promoting consistency of presentation with a comprehensive Web Style Guide
  • Providing editing and posting services
  • Monitoring online usage to identify successful content, and inform ongoing improvement
  • Assuring high standards of accessibility in conjunction with the Office of Disability Services

Marketing and Communications

  • Managing the structure of the Suffolk website to assure intuitive, user-friendly navigation
  • Writing, editing, and updating marketing copy to present the benefits of a Suffolk education
  • Collaborating with our graphic artists to design and illustrate appealing web content
  • Consulting with all of our colleagues in Marketing & Communications to assure consistent messaging across online and print communications
  • Working with our In-house photographer and videographer to illustrate life at Suffolk
  • Managing a strategic social media presence, and providing student-centric content
  • Managing content such as the Academic Catalogs and Student Handbook to assure full disclosure and compliance with Academic Standards

Teaching  & Training

  • Training content administrators to edit and update content in their respective areas of expertise
  • Teaching our work-study students new skills that enable them to become valuable contributors
  • Informing members of the University community during regularly scheduled office hours