Computer Labs & Printing

If you're a Suffolk University student, employee, or alum, you're welcome to use our computer labs. Be sure to have a photo ID or current class schedule with you in case you're asked to show one.

Please observe the following rules to keep our labs enjoyable

  1. Absolutely no food or drink is allowed.
  2. Printing in the lab is for course-related work only. Please review your work before printing to avoid wasting paper and toner, and don't print your personal work like downloads and email. If your work didn't print out the first time, there may be a problem with the printer. Don't continue to print until you check with a lab attendant. Continuous print queues will tie up the printer and affect everyone’s print requests.
  3. You're welcome to go online and use email. Please surf responsibly, though, and be considerate of students when there's a waiting list. Remember, some people need to complete homework assignments and don't have a computer at home. Preference will be given to those who need a computer for class-related work over students surfing the web for personal use.
  4. A lab attendant at the service desk can help you use the computer and answer basic software questions. This person is not a tutor, however. If you need help with understanding or completing an assignment, please see your instructor.
  5. Please remember to clean up after yourself, close out of all programs, and remove your USB stick.

Guest Access: Campus departments or groups may sponsor user access to the computer labs for designated visitors. To request visiting user access, a sponsor employed by Suffolk University must contact the Service Desk before the desired start date. The sponsor will be notified of the visitor's username and password.

Computer Lab locations

  • Sargent Hall, 120 Tremont Street, 6th Floor (Room 655)
    • Open 8:30 a.m. – 11 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 11p.m. Saturday & Sunday
  • Sawyer Computing Center, Sawyer Building, 8 Ashburton Place, 5th Floor
  • Sawyer Library, 73 Tremont Street, 2nd Floor


Operation PaperCut

In order to print from your personal laptop at the Sawyer Library or other printing stations around campus, you must first install PaperCut. Install the Windows version, or the Mac OS X version. 

An extraordinary amount of paper and ink is used when printing out entire pages of websites, articles, emails or other electronic material. Producing paper takes a tremendous toll on our environment. The consequences of paper waste are well-known. Luckily, they can be limited. By only printing when it's absolutely necessary, you can help us reduce our environmental impact and cut down University costs, including energy consumption.

The Suffolk University community is taking steps to reduce its carbon footprint and its paper consumption by adopting Operation PaperCut. Our computer lab machines and laptop printers have been configured for the new PaperCut process.

You'll find more information on your Suffolk RAM Card here.

In addition to using recycled paper, all Suffolk computer labs mandate double-sided printing.

Installation Instructions

All student laptops need to connect to the SU_Student wifi for papercut to work properly.

Printing at Suffolk