IT Governance Process

The IT Governance Executive Committee (ITGEC) at Suffolk University guides the IT Governance Process. The IT Governance Process will confirm that all new requests are accessible, secure, architecturally sound, and aligns with Suffolk University’s Strategic Plan.

The IT Governance Process for Fiscal Year ’26 is completed. Mid- end of April, the departments will be notified of the approved initiatives. Please review the Off Budget Cycle Request Policy for New Project Requests submitted from February to September.

High-Level Overview of the IT Governance Process for Fiscal Year '27

  • October 2025: Project Request Submission
  • November 2025 - January 2026: Discovery and ITGEC Value Presentation Preparation
  • January - February 2026: Requestors present their new recommendation to ITGEC for ranking and approval
  • April - May 2026: Departments are notified of approved initiatives

Off Budget Cycle Policy for New Project Requests

To start the Off Budget Cycle Request, please complete the ITS Project Request Form available in the Suffolk University service portal.

There are two types of projects that may be approved outside of the normal IT Governance Process (February to September):

  1. Any new project request which cannot wait for approval during the normal governance cycle. The Software is above $5000.00. A project request form needs to be submitted and approved by both the supervisor and sponsor. The recommendation must pass both the Accessibility Assessment and Security Assessment

    The request must meet at least one of the listed criteria to be approved by the ITGEC:
    • It is necessary for legal or compliance reasons
    • It is necessary to fulfill an audit finding
    • It is necessary for accreditation
    • The department agrees to permanently fund the cost of the solution via a permanent budget transfer to the Tech Renewal Budget

  2. Any new project request which cannot wait for approval during the normal governance cycle, is below $5000.00, a project request form was approved by both the supervisor and sponsor; and has passed both accessibility and security assessments

    The request must meet at least one of the listed criteria to be approved by the ITGEC:
    • Demonstrate that there is not another similar software/product already being used at the University
    • The Department agrees to permanently fund the cost of the solution via a permanent budget transfer to the Tech Renewals budget

Task vs. Project

When evaluated, some initiatives may be determined to be a task rather than a project.

  • Project: A software and/or hardware initiative that requires more than one person or more than 7 hours to complete
  • Task: A software and/or hardware initiative that takes a level of effort of one person and less than 7 hours of work to complete.