Capital Construction
Capital Construction works diligently to design and create a comfortable, safe and sustainable environment for all members of the Suffolk University community.
Our Role
The role of construction services on campus includes:
- Developing and implementing projects and long-term capital investments to improve our campus facilities
- Providing an effective living, learning, and working environment for our community, visitors, and neighbors
- Engaging in projects related to the University's sustainability, specifically by making our facilities more efficient to reduce costs and environmental impact
Recent and ongoing improvements to Living & Learning Environments include:
- Updated and relocated space for NESAD students in the Sawyer Building
- 11 new and fully equipped general education classrooms on the 5th floor of 73 Tremont Street
- Creation of the INTO Suffolk Center on the fourth floor of 73 Tremont Street
- Renovation of the University Bookstore
- Creation of Michael & Larry Smith Fitness Center
- Renovation of Smith Hall bathrooms
- Replacement of carpeting in areas of University dormitories
- Student Commuter Lounge on the first floor of 73 Tremont Street
- Athletic Department Renovations - New Locker Rooms and Meeting Spaces
Energy Efficiency
Suffolk University has a goal of reducing electricity consumption every year. We are working closely with our utility company to achieve this goal. In addition, we are investing in measures to make our facilities operate more efficiently. We encourage employees and students to adopt behaviors that conserve energy.
Building Maintenance
Suffolk University currently owns, or leases and maintains, 10 buildings:
- Four residential dorms
- Five mixed academic and administrative buildings
- One campus store, the Suffolk University Bookstore
- Two eateries leased in the Downtown Crossing area: