Health Services
New and Returning Student Health Requirements
Health Insurance
Consent for Treatment of Minor [PDF]
Eligibility for Health Services
Currently enrolled students are eligible for CHW services, including during school breaks/summer when students remain enrolled for the next semester. Faculty and staff seeking medical services should utilize their personal healthcare providers. Additional assistance and information is available for employees through Human Resources.
Once a student has graduated, they are no longer eligible to use CHW Health Services, regardless of insurance coverage. Students should refer to their health insurance carrier for a list of providers available after graduation. If a graduating student is enrolled in the Suffolk Student Health Insurance Plan with BCBS after the August expiration date, they will need to purchase an alternative form of health insurance for coverage.
Options for Graduating Students
A graduating student’s Suffolk Student Health Insurance Plan (SSHIP) will remain active through the end of the policy period. However, since they will no longer be a registered Suffolk student, they are no longer eligible to use Suffolk's Counseling, Health & Wellness services. Students are advised to refer to their health insurance carrier on your insurance card for a list of alternative providers that will be available after the graduation effective date.
A graduating student currently enrolled in the SSHIP, will need to prepare to purchase an alternative form of health insurance for coverage after the August expiration date. SSHIP cannot be extended if not a registered and eligible Suffolk student. It is important to have a plan in place in order to avoid a lapse in health insurance coverage.