Law School Research Databases
Boston Business Journal
Register for a BBJ account using your Suffolk email address (current students, faculty, and staff)
CALI Lessons
Current students can get the authorization code to create their own CALI accounts below.
Retrieve Authorization Code.
Current Index to Legal Periodicals (CILP)
Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals
Index To Legal Periodicals (1981-present)
Index To Legal Periodicals, Retrospective (1908-1981)
JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association
Kanopy (streaming video)
Access is limited. Please contact reference librarian for assistance.
Lexis +
Current law students, faculty, and staff
Massachusetts Criminal Practice
National Law Journal
In-library use only. Please see reference librarian for assistance.
Oxford English Dictionary (OED)
Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Collection
Transnational Dispute Management
United Nations Treaty Collection
Wall Street Journal
Register for a WSJ account using your Suffolk email address (current students, faculty, and staff)
Westlaw Alumni Terminal
In-library use only.
Westlaw Precision
Current law students, faculty, and staff
Westlaw UK
Current law students, faculty, and staff (using Westlaw OnePass credentials)