Recruit at Suffolk

Our client ready students and graduates are eager to meet you. We encourage you to post jobs or visit our campus.

Recruitment Programs

On-Campus Interviews

Our large firm on-campus interview program will be held virtually this year from June 25 through 27. We can also schedule an OCI date any time later in the fall and spring semesters. Complete the Registration Form [PDF]; or register through Symplicity.

Collect Resumes If you are unable to attend any of our interview programs, PCD will collect and forward student applications to you. At your request, we can then work with you to arrange an interview schedule either at your office or at a mutually convenient location. Complete the Recruiting Registration Form [PDF] or register through Symplicity.
MLSC Programs The Massachusetts Law School Consortium sponsors two Government & Public Interest Recruitment programs each year, as well as a Northern New England Interview Program. Interview students from the eight ABA-accredited law schools in Massachusetts at one time!
Summer Internships

Every summer, hundreds of Suffolk law students make valuable contributions to law firms, corporations, government entities, non-profit organizations and the judiciary by working as summer law clerks/interns. We invite you to benefit from our student's 21st century legal training, talent, energy and enthusiasm by posting a summer position through Symplicity.

Offer Pro Bono Opportunities

Nonprofit legal service providers, government agencies, and community organizations may request student volunteers to provide law-related service. Each law student must be supervised by an attorney. While we cannot guarantee the availability of volunteers, the Pro Bono Program will publicize all appropriate opportunities to Pro Bono Program members and the general Suffolk Law community, and will assist interested students in contacting placements.

For more information, contact:
Toni Machowsky, Esq.
Assistant Director for Public Service Advising & Pro Bono Programs
Office of Professional and Career Development
Suffolk University Law School
120 Tremont Street, Suite 120
Boston, MA 02108-4977
617-573-8148 (main)
617-573-8094 (direct)

Post Jobs at Suffolk

Getting practice-ready students to work at your firm, organization, or company is incredibly important in the modern economy. To attract top candidates, employers should post full or part-time jobs for students and graduates. 

Suffolk University is committed to a policy of providing its students and graduates with equal opportunity to obtain employment, without discrimination. Suffolk University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, Vietnam-era or disabled-veteran status in its employment, admission policies, or in the administration or operation of, or access to its academic and non-academic programs and and policies. It does not discriminate on the basis of disability in violation of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.