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Citing Articles

Model for consecutively paginated journal articles [rule 16.3]

                                 Author(s), Title, Periodical Name (year) (parenthetical).

                Model for non-consecutively paginated journal articles [rules 16.4]

                          Author(s), Title, Periodical Name, Date of Issue, at Page.


Theodore Meron, Reflections on the Prosecution of War Crimes by International Tribunals, 100 Am. J. Int’l L. 551 (2006) (discussing the Nuremberg trials).

Sonali D. Maitra, It’s How You Play the Game: Why Video Game Rules Are Not Expression Protected by Copyright Law, Landslide, March/April 2015, at 34.


Court Documents: Underline the article title.

Law Reviews: Italicize titles and small caps for the periodical title.


Author - Rule 15.1 & Rule 16.1

Always cite an author's full name when first citing the work (first name then last name). Include any "Jr." or "III," etc. [rule 15.1]. When there are two authors, list them as they appear on the work. If there are more than two authors [rule 15.1(a)], either use the first author's name followed by et al., or alternatively list them all. These rules apply to institutional authors as well. The same rules apply for editors/translators, except that the name goes in the first parenthetical separated by a comma from other information [rule 15.2].

   Henry Anjou & Louis Capet, Dissolving Feudal Ties, 24 J. Medieval L. 34 (2002).

   Plantagenet et al., Empire Building in the Medieval Age, 45 J. Medieval L. 44 (2002).


Article Title – Rule 16.2 & Rule 8

Do not abbreviate or omit words in an article title (unlike party names in a case citation). Capitalize words in the title according to Rule 8(a). This rule, in essence, requires the capitalization of all words in a title, including any that begin a title, or immediately follow a colon. But do not capitalize articles, conjunctions and prepositions when they are four or less letters unless, as above, they begin the title or immediately follow a colon.

    The Lockerbie "Extradition by Analogy" Agreement: "Exceptional Measure" or Template for Transnational Criminal Justice?=======================================================================

Periodical Name – Rule 16 & Table 13

Always use the abbreviations listed in Table 13 for the law journal or review title. This abbreviation list takes precedence over any abbreviations used by law journals or reviews themselves. If the title is not found in Table 13, then the Bluebook suggests that you structure the abbreviation by employing words already abbreviated in the list. If there are any geographic words, use Table 10.

           Case Western Reserve Law Review becomes Case W. Res. L. Rev.


Year – Rule 16

As found in the article [consecutive] or date of issue [non-consecutive].



Follow same rules as used for cases.

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