Support the Richard I. Clayman Memorial Scholarship Fund

Founded by Kate Clayman, JD ’09; Joshua Huggard; the Honorable Amy L. Nechtem, JD ’85; John L. Dodge ’89; Steven G. Clayman; Nancy Clayman; Amanda Clayman; Thomas O. Levenberg; Alyse Clayman Bulfer; and Andrew Bulfer III, the Richard I. Clayman Memorial Scholarship has received generous contributions from 176 donors whose lives were touched by their relationship with Richard I. (Richie) Clayman, JD ’72, who passed away in 2013.

In honor of both Clayman’s own life story and his impact as an attorney, the scholarship was earmarked for Suffolk Law students from Chelsea.

The Clayman Scholarship has affirmed and assisted Chelsea lawyers-to-be to attend Suffolk Law School. Since its first recipient, Takhmina Rakhmatova, JD ’18 to the most recent recipient, Benjamin Hafizovic, JD ’24, five students have benefited, often renewing their scholarship as they continued their education.

Says Kate Clayman, daughter of Richard Clayman and former Chief Justice Amy Nechtem, the scholarship is aimed at “students who need the money to reach a personal and lifelong dream of becoming an attorney,” she said, as well as students likely to become a certain kind of lawyer—a community lawyer for whom it’s natural to give back. “Someone,” she said, “who feels that’s what they were meant to do.” Someone who will carry on the legacy of Richie Clayman.