Suffolk University Law School Reunion Dinner & Alumni Awards Ceremony

Join us for an unforgettable evening of celebration and connection!

Suffolk University Law School
Reunion Dinner and Alumni Awards Ceremony
Thursday, June 5, 2025
6 p.m.

All alumni are invited to attend as we honor achievements and milestones of our law alumni. Special recognition will be given to alumni celebrating milestone reunions from class years ending in “5” and “0.”

Graduates and Guests: $125
2020-2024 Graduates and Public Service Alumni: $75
Class of 1975 and prior: $75

Tickets are nonrefundable, and the price includes a cocktail reception, three-course dinner, and $10 gift to the Suffolk Law Fund (formerly the Suffolk Law Annual Fund).

2025 Award Recipients

Outstanding Alumni Achievement Award

Cheree L. McAlpine, JD ’94
Chief Legal Officer, Zoom

Outstanding Alumni Service Award

Bruce K. Gribens, JD ’91
Tax Partner, Deloitte

Outstanding Graduate of the Last Decade Award

Pavel Payano, JD ’15
Senator, Massachusetts Senate

Edward Bray, JD ’58 Legacy Award


SAM’s Fund for Public Service Prize


Register now!

For more event information or to serve as a class representative for your reunion year, contact Kate Evans-Correia, BSJ’83, Associate Director, Alumni Engagement and Annual Giving.

Please consider supporting current and future Suffolk Law students by making a gift today in honor of your reunion. Your participation in the Law School Annual Fund matters greatly and is a special way to show your Suffolk pride!

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