Completion/Graduation Honors

Completion of the Legal Innovation & Technology Concentration requires that all students:
  • Complete the three (3) required core courses
  • Complete three (3) elective courses
  • Complete the necessary three (3) credit externship experience (or obtain a waiver thereof)
  • Complete a minimum of seventeen (17) total Concentration credits in required and elective courses and the externship
  • Attain a minimum cumulative average of 3.25 in Legal Innovation & Technology Concentration courses, by the time of graduation, with no grade of less than C (2.0) in any such course
  • Satisfy the Legal Innovation & Technology Concentration's legal writing requirement with a paper, project, or Thesis

As soon as a Concentration student has met these stated criteria, the student should complete and file a Notice of Concentration Completion form online through WebAdvisor. This form lists all Concentration courses taken, the grades received, the course credits received for Concentration courses and the successful completion of other requirements.

Graduation Honors

Students who have met all the criteria noted above, to the satisfaction of the Concentration Faculty Director(s), will receive a Legal Innovation & Technology Concentration certificate in addition to their Law School diplomas.

A notation indicating successful completion of the Legal Innovation & Technology Concentration will appear on students' final Law School transcripts.

Graduation with Distinction

Students will graduate with the Distinction in the Legal Innovation & Technology Concentration if they either:

  • Achieve a cumulative 3.5 grade point average in Legal Innovation & Technology Concentration courses
  • Satisfy all Concentration requirements and complete a Legal Innovation & Technology Concentration Thesis

Graduation with the Concentration with Distinction will also be noted on students' final Law School transcripts.