Business Law & Financial Services - Enrollment & Requirements

How to Enroll

Enrollment in the Business Law and Financial Services Concentration is accomplished by filing Notice of Enrollment form.

Concentration enrollment may occur as soon as a student completes the first year in law school in good standing.

The latest date students may enroll in a Concentration is October 1st for students graduating in January, and Feb. 1 for students graduating in May.

Formal enrollment in the Business Law and Financial Services Concentration is not complete until the Notice of Enrollment form is filed. Once enrolled in the Concentration, students will be invited to participate in a variety of programs and special events of interest to business, corporate, finance and tax practitioners. 


Continued enrollment in the Business Law and Financial Services Concentration is contingent upon the student:

  • Completing the four (4) required core courses (13 - 14 credits)
  • An approved externship with a business, corporate, finance or tax placement OR a Concentration Practicum course, or an exemption from the externship or Concentration Practicum requirement, as granted by the Concentration Director and/or the Administrative Director of Concentrations
  • Completing at least six (6 credits) additional elective course credits so that it is possible to complete the required 21 credits in approved Business Law and Financial Services Concentration courses by the time the student graduates;
  • Periodically reviewing the student's progress in attaining the requisite grade point averages with the Concentration Faculty Director and/or the Office of Academic Services; and
  • Obtaining the Concentration Faculty Directors' approval of the student's plan for completing the Concentration's writing requirement.
  • Meeting the GPA Requirements for the Concentration

Notice of Completion

Upon completion of the required courses, externship, clinical or Practicum course elective courses, the writing requirement and total credit hours required by the Business Law and Financial Services Concentration, students must complete and file a Notice of Concentration Completion form with the Office of Academic Services.

The latest date students may file Concentration Completion forms is Nov. 1 for January graduates, and March 1 for May graduates.