FAQ - Hybrid Online JD

Frequently Asked Questions

Hybrid JD students earn their JD with a mix of in-person and online classes and graduate in the same amount of time as it takes to earn a traditional JD (3 years full-time and 4 years part-time). Hybrid JD students take all first-year classes in-person at Suffolk Law in Boston -- meeting classmates and faculty in-person -- then choose a mix of online or in-person for the remainder of their JD classes (54 credits). Hybrid JD students must earn 3.0 GPA in first-year classes to enroll in classes remotely.

Hybrid JD students submit the same application and follow the same steps to apply as traditional JD applicants. To find the application on LSAC.org, select the "Fall-First Time" application; then, under the degree program options (Question 3), select "Hybrid Online JD."

All JD-eligible applicants can apply. Students must earn a 3.0 GPA in their 30 credits of first-year classes to enroll in classes remotely. The hybrid JD is a rigorous and competitive program, designed for self-motivated, organized and diligent students. Applicants should demonstrate these traits in their application.

The priority deadline is February 1. However, the hybrid JD program is limited to 25 students, so we recommend applying as soon as you are ready.

No. You can graduate in three years in the full-time HJD Program or four years part-time—the same timeframe as traditional JD students. That means you start with your class and graduate with your class.

Yes, and we hope you do!

The majority of remote classes will be synchronous (live) with Suffolk Law professors. Some classes will have recorded portions, as well. Remote classes will be offered in the day for full-time hybrid students and after 5 p.m. for evening students.

Yes, you can come to campus as much or as little as you want after your 1L year. Hybrid-remote classes include synchronous (live) instruction from Suffolk Law’s world-class faculty.

Yes, you can meet and network with classmates and faculty during your in-person 1L year and you’ll also have the freedom to choose to attend any in-person networking events, even during semesters of remote coursework.

As a HJD student, you will have access to all law school support services that traditional JD students do, including career services, bar prep, and academic support—both online and in-person.

All students—including HJD students—can choose to participate in student groups, student government, competition teams, and clinics in order to get involved.

You can spend time in the law library and cafeteria, reserve study rooms, apply to be a faculty assistant, attend student group meetings, network with alumni, and meet with faculty, administrators, and classmates.

Yes, you can get practical experience and earn credit for externships—either in Boston or around the globe.

Hybrid students are free to apply to transfer, however some law schools may not accept transfer credits earned in remote learning.

Yes, if space permits traditional JD students may be admitted admitted as internal transfers to the HJD. Space is limited and students must have exceptional qualifications. Current students seeking to switch into the HJD must apply by March 1.

Yes. Transfer students must be enrolled in a full-time JD program and must have completed two semesters of law school. Space is limited.

Students interested in this program must have earned at least a 3.2 or higher GPA in their 1L classes and have exceptional credentials. We recommend that transfer students apply by March 1 for priority consideration for the fall. If the HJD program is full, transfer students may be admitted as traditional students then apply to take HJD classes after their first semester.

Academics and Student Activities FAQ

No. Your online classes will be taught as online-only classes and will be designed from the ground up to be delivered exclusively online.

All first-year courses (30 credits) must be in-person and are required, so you cannot select which of those are in-person. After those 30 credits are completed, and so long as you earn a 3.0 GPA, hybrid students can choose online classes, in-person classes or a combination of both.

Part-time evening students in the hybrid program will be able to attend all remote classes after 5 p.m.

No. Initially, Suffolk Law will offer only the most popular classes remotely. However, there will be enough remote classes for all hybrid students to take a full-time courseload remotely each semester and to earn all requirements for graduation. As the program grows each year, Suffolk Law expects to offer additional upper-level classes in a remote format.

One of the benefits of Suffolk’s hybrid JD program is that you will spend your first year learning in-person on campus at Suffolk Law. Like most law students, we expect that you will form many of your relationships with classmates during that time. As you move into the upper-level remote program, we hope and expect those relationships will remain intact. We also anticipate creating opportunities for hybrid students to connect with one another, both in-person and remotely.

Yes. We expect to create online meet-and-greets and other virtual activities so that you can get to know the faculty. Faculty also will have virtual office hours. Of course, you are welcome to come to campus at any time as well and meet your professors in person.

Yes. The various support services available to traditional JD students also will be available to hybrid students.

Yes. hybrid students have access to the same curriculum, world-class faculty, experiential opportunities, support services and alumni network as traditional JD students. For these reasons, the per-semester tuition is the same.

Additional Application Details FAQ

Yes. Applicants to the hybrid JD are eligible for financial aid and merit scholarships to the same extent as applicants to the traditional full-time and part-time programs. All admitted students are considered for merit-based scholarships based on their LSAT or GRE and undergraduate GPA.

Yes, if you have not yet received a decision. Contact the Office of Law Admission to switch your application to the hybrid program.

No. You must select only one program on the application. If you are not accepted to the hybrid program, you will automatically be considered for the traditional JD program.

At this time, accelerated JD students cannot also take hybrid remote classes and graduate in an accelerated time frame. However, hybrid students can pursue a dual degree with Suffolk University. Classes for the dual degree may not all be offered remotely.

Yes. Upper-level hybrid students can take as many of their classes in person as they would like.