Faculty Mentoring Program (FMP) - CAS

The College of Arts & Sciences has a mentoring program for tenure-track and non-tensure-track faculty, to provide collegial support to them. Having a mentor gives early career faculty a person to turn to for guidance. Mentors serve as role models and advocates. Extra-departmental mentors also help new faculty to network across the College and University.

The goals of the Faculty Mentoring Program (FMP) are:

  • To acquaint new faculty with the norms, expectations, and challenges of the faculty role in the College of Arts and Sciences
  • To help integrate new faculty into the College and University communities
  • To provide instruction and support to new faculty regarding teaching, service, and scholarship (if applicable) in the College
  • To provide informal advice and support for new faculty as they proceed through the tenure process for tenure-track faculty and the promotion process for non-tenure-track faculty

All incoming tenure-track and non-tenure-track faculty are invited to participate in the FMP. It involves no formal review of the tenure-track faculty member's performance. The mentorship may end at the mentor’s or mentee’s request.

For additional information, please contact Marjorie Salvodon, CAS Associate Dean of Experiential Learning, Global Education & Public Impact.