
Set Up Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a career networking site primarily used for hiring purposes! Use it to connect to and communicate with employer contacts, follow companies, and find internships or jobs. Start by creating a compelling profile.

How can I use LinkedIn to build my network?

  • Use LinkedIn for Students to get all the best tips on creating your profile. Review the LinkedIn student sample for inspiration and take note of the specificity of role descriptions. You want these as consistent as possible with your latest resume. LinkedIn Tips from The Muse is helpful for early/mid-career professionals, too.
  • Begin connecting with people you know: classmates, colleagues, supervisors, faculty, and any others with whom you want to grow your career opportunities and connection.
  • Contact alumni from Suffolk or other educational settings by using the LinkedIn Alumni tool. You may create a written version of your elevator pitch to reach out to such new connections.
  • Join LinkedIn Professional Groups. On LinkedIn, if you join professional groups, you may take part in online discussions and message other members; oftentimes, groups will post career or networking opportunities as part of their announcements.
  • Engage on LinkedIn Learning to build key skills for your industry of interest and even develop new interests.
  • Follow top companies of interest to you and explore their pages for connections. If you have a 1st or 2nd degree connection with someone who is working for a target company, you can ask for an informational interview.

Start Connecting

Once you have honed your elevator pitch and created your LinkedIn profile, start connecting online and in-person. There are many opportunities at Suffolk for you to build your professional network.

To learn from one of our previous workshops on LinkedIn, review the videos below:


Rock Your LInkedIn Profile: Part 1


Rock Your LinkedIn Profile: Part 2