On leave, Spring 2022
- PhD, Boston University
- MS, Banaras Hindu University, India
- BS, Banaras Hindu University, India
Research Interests
- Physics of low-dimensional systems
- Spintronics and nanotechnology
- Physics of strongly correlated condensed matter systems
Employment History
- 2013-2016
Department Chair of Physics, Suffolk University - 2006-Present
Assistant Professor of Physics, Suffolk University - 2008
Visiting Professor, Harish Chandra Research Institute, India - 2006-2004
Postdoctoral Associate, Argonne National Laboratory, IL - 2004-2002
Postdoctoral Associate, Cornell University, NY - 1995-2002
PhD Candidate, Boston University, MA - 1995-1994
Research Fellow of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Indian Institute of Technology, India - 1994
K.S. Krishnan Research Fellow in Physics, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, India
- U. Hizi, Prashant Sharma, and C.L. Henley, Semiclassical ordering in the large-n pyrochlore antiferromagnet, Physical Review Letters, 95: 167203 (2005). Article Cited by: 7
- Prashant Sharma, How to Create a Spin Current, Science, 307, 531 (2005). Article Cited by: 15
- Prashant Sharma and Piet W. Brouwer, Mesoscopic effects in adiabatic spin pumping, Physical Review Letters, 91: 166801 (2003). Article Cited by: 42
- Prashant Sharma and Claudio Chamon, Quantum pump for spin and charge transport in a Luttinger liquid, Physical Review Letters, 87: 096401 (2001). Article Cited by: 74
Talks and Conferences
- Workshop for New Physics Faculty, Organized by American Association of Physics Teachers and National Science Foundation, Washington D.C., November 2008
- Annual Meeting of the American Association for Advancement of Science, Waimea, June 2008
- Nanotechnology Conference of the Nano Science and Technology Institute (NSTI), Boston, June 2008
- American Physical Society Meeting, Baltimore, March 2006
- 55th meeting of Nobel laureates at Lindau, Germany, June 2005
Professional Activities
Reviewer/Referee for:
- American Physical Society Journals: Physical Review Letters and Physical Review B
- National Science Foundation: Research Grants in Condensed Matter Physics
Other Activities
- Society of Physics Students (American Institute of Physics student body) Advisor of the Suffolk Chapter that won the 2008 Sigma Pi Sigma Undergraduate Research Award

Contact Me
- 617-573-8013
- [email protected]
- 20 Somerset, Rm. 530
Office Hours
- Schedule an Appointment
Monday, Wednesday 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Courses Taught
- CI-187 Think Small: Change the World
- SCI-201 Physics for Future Presidents
- SF-1162 Space Missions