Jason Peterson, JD

Chair and Associate Professor, Accounting & Business Law; Director, Master of Science in Accounting Program

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Professor Peterson is the former Chair of the Business Law & Ethics Department and currently serves as the Chair of the Department of Accounting and Business Law, as well as the Director of the Master of Science in Accounting program. During his tenure as Chair of the Business Law & Ethics Department, he played a key role in expanding the business law minor and strengthening interdisciplinary offerings. Under his leadership, the minor experienced significant growth. A dedicated educator, Professor Peterson teaches courses in business law, ethics, corporate crime, and values-based decision-making. He takes particular pride in developing an innovative two-course module that integrates business ethics across Suffolk's MBA program, fostering a holistic approach to ethical decision-making in business education.

His research interests span corporate governance, fiduciary standards, and the ethical dimensions of legal frameworks. His recent publications include a study on the ethics of bankruptcy in the Purdue Pharma case and a decade-long analysis of best practices in benefit corporation governance. Professor Peterson actively contributes to the academic community through presentations on topics such as artificial intelligence ethics and global anti-bribery legislation.

Beyond his teaching and research, Professor Peterson provides leadership across Suffolk University, chairing task forces and committees focused on curriculum design, accreditation, and student success. He also serves as President of the North Atlantic Regional Business Law Association, reflecting his commitment to advancing the field of business law education.

Recently, his research has focused on corporate governance and fiduciary standards. He is passionate about teaching and has served on a number of curriculum committees. He is most proud of the development of an innovative two-course module which integrated business ethics across the MBA program.


Recent Intellectual Contributions

McCoy, J.D., Peterson, J.H., Sullivan, T.M. (2024) Purdue Pharma, Oxycontin and the Ethics of Bankruptcy. Business Law Review, 55.

Blodgett, M. S., Peterson, J. H., Segal, L. G. (2021). Benefit Corporation Governance: A Decade of Debating Best Practices. NYU Journal of Law and Business, 17, 233-266.

S. Blodgett, M., Melconian, L., & Peterson, J. (2019). Winning with Ethical Leadership: A Student Team Project in Corporate Values. Journal of the Academy of Business Education, 20, 76–100.

Blodgett, M. S., Melconian, L. J., & Peterson, J. H. (2015). Social Enterprise: Reaffirming Public Purpose Governance through Shared Value. Journal of Business and Securities Law, 16(2), 305–328.

Intellectual Contributions

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Courses Taught

BLE214: Principles of Business Law
BLE215: Business Ethics
BLE321: Corporate Crime and Financial Fraud
MBA701: Values Based Decision Making
MBA745: Contextualizing Values Based Decision Making

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Degrees/Professional Certifications

  • JD, Suffolk University Law School
  • MBA, UMASS Boston
  • BA, Lake Forest College
  • Licensed to Practice Law in Massachusetts