Nicole O'Brien, PhD.

Assistant Professor of Practice, Information Systems and Operations Management

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Dr. Nicole O’Brien’s research interests focus on the impact of information technology on the healthcare system and the health outcomes of individual users. Her work also explores how artificial intelligence influences user behavior and decision-making. She is deeply engaged in studying management information systems, electronic health systems, and human-computer interactions.

Dr. O’Brien actively contributes to academic and professional communities by serving on editorial review boards and as a reviewer for multiple journals. Her expertise spans the integration of technology in healthcare, the use of AI technologies, and the design of systems to enhance user experience and outcomes.

Professional Activities

  • Reviewer, Journal of Applied Gerontology (since 2019)
  • Reviewer, Information Technology and People (since 2019)
  • Editorial Review Board, International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (since 2015)
  • Editorial Review Board, International Journal of Public Health Management and Ethics (since 2017)


Recent Intellectual Contributions

Dunlop, M., & O’Brien, N. (2024). How do students view the use of AI for fact-checking and how does this influence their future use for work purposes? Journal for Research and Practice in College Teaching.

O’Brien, N., Yuan, Y., & Archer, N. (2021). The Impact of Social Network Systems on Social Capital for Older Adults. Gerontechnology Journal, 20(2), 1-11.

Ayanso, Anteneh, Tejaswini Herath, and Nicole O’Brien (2015), Understanding Continuance Intentions of Physicians with Electronic Medical Records (EMR): An Expectancy- Confirmation Perspective, Decision Support Systems, 77 (September), 112-122.

Conference Proceedings

O’Brien, N., & Sohail, M. (2022). Removing Digital Addiction: Through Digital Detoxication. Presented at AMCIS 2022, Minneapolis, MN.

O’Brien, N., Sohail, M., & Yuan, Y. (2020). Infrequent Use of AI-Enabled Personal Assistants Through the Lens of Cognitive Dissonance Theory. Presented at HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark.

O’Brien, Nicole and Yuan, Yufei. Social Networking Site Use on Social Capital of Older Adults, AMCIS conference, New Orleans, LA, August, 2018.

Nicole O'Brien, Joseph Tan and Yufei Yuan. The Role of Social Networking in Healthcare, HICSS- 49TH, Kauai, Hawaii, January 5-8, 2016

Intellectual Contributions 

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Courses Taught

ISOM 201: Data and Decision Analysis
ISOM 210: Management Information Systems
ISOM 827: Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence
ISOM 130: Introduction to Business Analytics

Professional Links

LinkedIn | ResearchGate

Degrees/Professional Certifications

  • PhD, McMaster University, Canada
  • MSc, BBA, Brock University, Canada
  • SAP Blockchain Services Certification (since 2020)
  • SAP Analytics Certification (since 2020)