Marc A. Rodwin is Professor of Law at Suffolk University Law School. He is the author of Conflicts of Interest and the Future of Medicine: The United States, France and Japan (Oxford, 2011); and Medicine, Money & Morals: Physicians' Conflicts of Interest (Oxford, 1993). Rodwin has testified before Congress and state legislatures and served on government commissions and advisory boards, including the Food and Drug Administration and the Indiana Commission on Hospital Antitrust. He has provided training on conflicts of interest related to pharmaceutical good governance for various nations under the aegis of the World Health Organization. He has participated in meetings of the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine and worked for the World Health Organization.
Rodwin has assisted consumer groups including the Consumer Federation of America, the National Partnership for Women and Families, and Consumer Coalition for Quality Health Care. He has worked as a consultant or expert witness on policy-related litigation involving fiduciary law, physicians' conflicts of interests, competition law, and pharmaceutical issues.
Rodwin has been a recipient of several fellowships and grants including: Harvard University Edmond J. Safra Ethics Center Lab Fellowship; IMéRA Institute Fellowship/ SIRIC Chair; the Brocher Foundation residency fellowship, Fulbright Fellowship, German Marshal Fund, Social Science Research Council/Abe Fellowship; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Investigator Award, and the Pew Health Policy Doctoral Fellowship.
Rodwin has been a visiting faculty member or scholar at several universities in France and Japan. He has given talks at professional meetings and universities in France, Canada Japan, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Ecuador, Mexico, Tunisia, The Philippines, Oman and the U.S., including Harvard University, Yale University, Stanford University, University of Chicago, University of California, M.I.T., University of Virginia, and the RAND Corporation. He has participated in meetings sponsored by the American Bar Association, the National Academy of Sciences-Institute of Medicine, the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, the American College of Physicians, the Health Care Financial Management Association, the National Health Policy Forum and other groups.
Prior to joining Suffolk University, Rodwin was Associate Professor at Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs and before that, he was a lecturer at Tufts and Brandeis Universities. He has also practiced civil litigation in Boston law firms and worked as a consultant. Member, Phi Beta Kappa.
Rodwin has published in The New England Journal of Medicine; The Journal of the American Medical Association; Health Affairs; British Medical Journal; Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law; The Milbank Quarterly; The American Prospect; Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics; The American Journal of Law and Medicine; The Cambridge Quarterly for Health Care Ethics; the Food and Drug Law Journal and numerous law journals.
- BA, Brown University
- BA, MA, Oxford University
- JD, University of Virginia
- Ph.D., Brandeis University
- Rodwin, Marc A. Principal publications by topic (June 2023)
- Rodwin, Marc A. Publications since 2013
- Rodwin, Marc A. Negotiating Medicare Drug Prices: A New Attempt to Control Spending. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics v. 53, No 1: (January 2025)
- Rodwin, Marc A. Clinician Conflicts of Interest at the Cleveland Clinic: The Context and Functions of Disclosure Policy and What Remains Unknown Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, (2024): 741-747.
- Rodwin, Marc A. and Lantos John D. How Will Medicare Negotiate Drug Prices, And What Impact Will It Have? Health Affairs Forefront. February 16, 2024
- Lantos, John and Marc Rodwin. The FDA’s Dueling Narratives: Protector Versus Obstacle. *Health Affairs Forefront*, Aug. 29 2023
- Rodwin, Marc A. Assessing US Pharmaceutical Policy and Pricing Reform Legislation in Light of European Price and Cost Control Strategies. *Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law*. December, 2022.
- Rodwin MA, Sager A. The No Surprises Act: A Conservative Band-Aid to Protect Business as Usual. International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services. 2022 Oct 22;53(1):63-8.
- Rodwin, Marc A. & Alan Sager, The No Surprises Act: A Band-Aid protecting business as usual. *STAT first opinion*, August 31, 2022
- Rodwin MA, Gerke S. German Pharmaceutical Pricing: Lessons for the United States. International Journal of Health Services. 2021 Oct 20:00207314211040948.
- Rodwin, Marc A. How the United Kingdom Controls Pharmaceutical Prices and Spending: Learning From Its Experience. International Journal of Health Services 2021 Apr; 51(2): 229-37.
- Rodwin, Marc A. Common Pharmaceutical Price and Cost Controls in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany: Lessons for the United States. International Journal of Health Services. 2021 Jul; 51(3): 379-91 doi:10.1177/0020731421996168
- Rodwin, Marc A. Julien Mancini, Ségolene Durand, Anne-Céline Jalbert, Patrice Viens, Dominique Maraninchi, Anthony Gonçalves, and Patricia Marino. In press. The Use of "Added Benefits" To Determine the Price of New Anti-Cancer Drugs In France, 2004-2017. European Journal on Cancer* 145(2021):11-18;
- Rodwin Marc A. Average International Market Pricing For US Pharmaceuticals—Lessons From Europe. Health Affairs Blog, September 24, 2020
- Rodwin Marc A. WHO’s attempt to navigate commercial influence and conflicts ofinterest in nutrition programs while engaging with non-state actors: Reflections on WHO guidance for nation states: Comment on “Towards preventing and managing conflict of interest in nutrition policy? An analysis of submissions to a consultation on a draft WHO tool.” Int J Health Policy Manag. 2020;x(x):x–x. doi:10.34172/ijhpm.2020.162
- Rodwin, Marc A. Pharmaceutical Price and Spending Controls in France: Lessons for the United States. International Journal of Health Services. 2020 Apr; 50(2): 156-65
- Conflicts of Interest in Human Subject Research: The Insufficiency of U.S. and International Standards, American Journal of Law and Medicine (2020)
- Moynihan, R., Rodwin, M. et al. Pathways to Independence: towards producing and using trustworthy evidence, BMJ 2019; 367 (December 3, 2019)
- What Can the United States Learn from Pharmaceutical Spending Controls in France? Commonwealth Fund Issue Brief. (November 11, 2019)
- Rodwin, Marc A. Conflict of Interest in the Pharmaceutical Sector: A Guide for Public Management, 21 DEPAUL J. HEALTH CARE L. (2019).
- Rodwin, Marc A. Conflicts of Interest in Medicine: Should We Contract, Conserve, or Expand the Traditional Definition and Scope of Regulation? 21 J. HEALTH CARE L. & POL'Y 158 (2018).
- Rodwin, Marc A., Head To Head: Should We try To Manage Non-financial Interests?, BMJ 2018;361:k1240 (2018).
- Rodwin, Marc A., Attempts to Redefine Conflicts of Interest, Accountability in Research: Policies in Quality Assurance, 25.2 (2018): 67-78.
- Leo Tanaka, David Pleynet & Marc A. Rodwin, The Legal Origins of the New England Compounding Center Crisis. QUINNIPIAC HEALTH L. J. 21 (2018): 1
- Do We Need Stronger Sanctions to Ensure Legal Compliance by Pharmaceutical Firms? 70 FOOD & DRUG L. J. 435 (2015).
- "Why the Medical Malpractice Crisis Persists Even When Malpractice Insurance Premiums Fall", Rodwin, et. al. Health Matrix 25: 163-226 (2015)
- Independent Drug Testing to Ensure Drug Safety and Efficacy. 18 J. HEALTH CARE L. & POL’Y 45 (2015)
- Compensating Pharmaceutical Injuries in the Absence of Fault, 69 FOOD & DRUG L.J. 447 (2014)
- Rooting out Institutional Corruption to Manage Inappropriate Off-label Use, 41 :3 J.L. MED. & ETHICS 654 (2013)
- Five Uneasy Pieces to Pharmaceutical Policy Reform, 41 :3 J.L. MED. & ETHICS 581 (2013)
- Institutional Corruption and Pharmaceutical Policy, 41 :3 J.L. MED. & ETHICS 544 (2013)
- Independent Clinical Trials to Test Drugs: The Neglected Reform, 6 ST. LOUIS U. J. HEALTH L. & POL'Y 113 (2012)
- Conflicts of Interest, Institutional Corruption, and Pharma: An Agenda for Reform [PDF], 40 :3 J.L. MED. & ETHICS 511 (2012)
- Clinical Trial Data as a Public Good, 308 :9 JAMA 871 (2012) (with John Abramson)
- La qualification de conflits d'interets des medecins en France et aux Etats-Unis, 2012 :3 la Revue de Droit Sanitaire et Social 501 (2012) (with Joel Moret-Bailly)
- Reforming Pharmaceutical Industry-Physician Financial Relationships: Lessons from the United States, France and Japan, 39 :4 J. L. MED. & ETHICS 662 (2011)
- Why We Need Health Care Reform Now, 36 J. HEALTH POL. POL'Y & L. 597 (2011)
- New Standards for Medical Review Organizations: Holding Them and Health Plans Accountable for Their Decisions, 30 :3 HEALTH AFFAIRS 519 (2011)
- Patient Data: Property, Privacy & the Public Interest [PDF], 36 AM. J.L. & MED. 586 (2010)
- Drug Advertising, Continuing Medical Education, and Physician Prescribing: A Historical Review and Reform Proposal, 38 J.L. MED. & ETHICS 807 (2010)
- The Metamorphosis of Managed Care: Implications for Health Reform Internationally [PDF], 38 :2 J.L. MED. & ETHICS 352 (2010)
- The Case for Public Ownership of Patient Data [PDF], 302 :1 J. AM. MED. ASS'N 86 (2009)
- Malpractice Premiums in Massachusetts: A High-Risk State: 1975-2005 [PDF], 27 :3 HEALTH AFFAIRS 835 (2008) (with Hak J. Chang, Melissa M. Ozaeta and Richard J. Omar)
- Medical Commerce, Physician Entrepreneurialism, and Conflicts Of Interest [PDF], 16 CAMBRIDGE Q. HEALTHCARE ETHICS 387 (2007)
- Malpractice Premiums and Physicians' Income: Perceptions of a Crisis Conflicts with Empirical Evidence [PDF], 25 :3 HEALTH AFFAIRS 750 (2006) (with Hak J. Chang and Jeffrey Clausen)
- Financial Incentives for Doctors, 328 BMJ 1328 (2004)
- The Dark Side of a Consumer-Driven Health System [PDF], 19 FRONTIERS IN HEALTH SERVICE MANAGEMENT 31 (2003)
- The Politics of Evidence-Based Medicine [PDF], 26 J. HEALTH POL. POL'Y & L. 439 (2001)
- Consumer Voice and Representation in Managed Healthcare, 34 J. HEALTH L. 223 (2001)
- Physicians' Conflicts of Interest in Japan and the United States: Lessons for the United States [PDF], 25 J. HEALTH POL. POL'Y & L. 343 (2000)
- Exit and Voice in American Health Care, 32 U. MICH. J.L. REFORM 1041 (1999)
- Backlash: As Prelude to Managing Managed Care, 24 J. HEALTH POL. POL'Y & L. 1115 (1999)
- Drive-Through Delivery: Where Are the "Savings"? [PDF], 56 MEDICAL CARE RESEARCH AND REVIEW 30 (1999) (with Ming Tai-Seale and Gerard Wedig)
- Conflicts of Interest and Accountability in Managed Care: The Aging of Medical Ethics [PDF], 46 J. AM. GERIATRICS SOC'Y 338 (1998)
- The Neglected Remedy: Strengthening Consumer Voice in Managed Care [PDF], 34 THE AMERICAN PROSPECT 45 (1997)
- Consumer Protection and Managed Care: The Need for Organized Consumers [PDF], 15 HEALTH AFFAIRS 110 (1996)
- Consumer Protection and Managed Care: Issues, Reform Proposals, and Trade-Offs, 32 HOUS. L. REV. 1319 (1996)
- Managed Care and the Elusive Quest for Accountable Health Care [PDF], 1 WIDENER L. SYMP. J. 65 (1996)
- Managed Care and Consumer Protection: What are the Issues? [PDF], 26 SETON HALL L. REV. 1007 (1996)
- Conflicts in Managed Care, 332 NEW ENG. J. MED. 604 (1995)
- Strains in the Fiduciary Metaphor [PDF], 21 AM. J.L. & MED. 241 (1995)
- Patient Accountability and Quality of Care: Lessons from Medical Consumerism and the Patients' Rights, Women's Health and Disability Rights Movements [PDF], 20 AM. J.L. & MED. 147 (1994)
- Inside Information and Peer Review [PDF], 3 ETHICS & BEHAVIOR 135 (1993)
- The Organized American Medical Profession's Response to Financial Conflicts of Interest: 1890-1992 [PDF], 70 THE MILLBANK Q. 703 (1992)
- Physicians' Conflicts of Interest: The Limitations of Disclosure, 321 NEW ENG. J. MED. 1405 (1989)
- Commentary - Preventing AIDS: Self-Interest and Public Spirit [PDF], 4 AIDS & PUB. POL'Y J. 131 (1989)
- Halfway Competitive Markets and Ineffective Regulation: The American Health Care System [PDF], 13 J. HEALTH POL. POL''Y & L. 323 (1988) (with Altman, Stuart H.)
- Can Bargaining and Negotiation Change the Administrative Process?, 3 ENVTL. IMPACT ASSESSMENT REV. 373 (1982)
- Conflicts of Interest and the Future of Medicine: The United States, France, and Japan [PDF] (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011) (Paperback, 2013).
- Les Conflits D'Intérêts en Médecine: Quel Avenir pour La Santé? France, Etats-Unis, Japon (Rennes: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique Press, 2014)
- Medicine, Money, and Morals: Physicians' Conflicts of Interest [PDF] (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993)
Book Chapters
- Rodwin, Marc A. Conflicts of Interest in Medical Practice: Causes and Cures (ch.5), In Hauray, B, Gaudillière JP, and Michel H. (eds) Conflict of Interest and Medicine: Knowledge, Practices and Mobilizations, 109-28. Routledge (2021).
- Rodwin, Marc A. Conflicts of interest in Human Subject Research: Best Practices, International Standards, and Challenges in Implementing US regulations, (Ulf Schmidt, Andreas Frewer, and Dominique Sprumont eds.) in HUMAN RESEARCH ETHICS AND THE DECLARATION OF HELSINKI (Oxford University Press) (forthcoming 2020).
- Rodwin, Marc A. “Can Retail Pharmaceutical Price Transparency Lower Costs and Reduce Price Disparities?” In, Transparency in Health and Healthcare in the United States Edited by Holly Fernandez Lynch, I. Glenn Cohen, Carmel Shachar and Barbara J. Evans. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
- Law, Religion, and Health Insurance, in LAW, RELIGION, AND HEALTH IN THE UNITED STATES (Holly Fernandez Lynch, I. Glenn Cohen, Elizabeth Sepper, eds.), Cambridge University Press (2017).
- Robertson, Christopher T. and Marc A. Rodwin, Money Blinding as a Solution to Biased Design and Conduct of Scientific Research, in BLINDING AS A SOLUTION TO BIAS: STRENGTHENING BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE, FORENSIC SCIENCE, AND LAW (Christopher T. Robertson and Aaron S. Kesselheim eds., Elsevier, 2016).
- Conflicts of Interest in Biomedical Publications, in SCIENCE EDITORS' HANDBOOK (2nd ed., Smart and Pippa eds., 2013) 160-63 (with Herve Maisonneuve)
- Qualification et régulation des conflits d’intérêts des professionnels de santé en France et aux Etats-Unis : l’exemple du « médecin-entrepreneur», in DROIT, SCIENCES ET TECHNIQUES : QUELLES RESPONSABILITÉS ? COLLOQUES & DÉBATS. (LexisNexis, 2011) (with Moret-Bailly, Joël )
- Patient Appeals as Policy Disputes: Individual and Collective Action in Managed Care, in PATIENTS AS POLICY ACTORS (Rutgers University Press, Beatrice Hoffman and Nancy Tomes eds., 2011)
- Patient Data: Professionalism, Property and Policy, in MEDICAL PROFESSIONALISM IN A NEW INFORMATION AGE (Rutgers University Press, David Rothman and David Blumenthal eds., 2010)
- The Metamorphosis of Managed Care, in LER CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE MEDICINA Y SALUD. (México, D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México., Octavio Rivero Serrano ed., 2009)
- Chapter 9: Physicians' Conflicts of Interest in HMOs and Hospitals [PDF], in CONFLICTS OF INTEREST IN CLINICAL PRACTICE AND RESEARCH (Roy Spece, Jr. and David Shimm and Allen Buchanan eds., 1996)
- Halfway Competitive Markets and Ineffective Regulation: The American Health Care System, in COMPETITION IN THE HEALTH CARE SECTOR: TEN YEARS LATER (Durham: Duke University Press, W. Greenberg ed., 1988)
- Managing Off-label Drug Use
- On the Individual Mandate: Congress Can Constitutionally Build on Private Insurance
- Managing Off-Label Drug Use, Harvard Petrie Flom Center, Bill of Health
Professional Activities
Advisory Board: Open Society Institute program on Medicine as a Profession. Editorial boards: Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law; the American Journal of Law and Medicine; Laws: An international, scholarly, open access journal. Co-organizer of Brief of Health Law, Policy, and Ethics Scholars as Amici Curiae, In Support of Respondent, Pegram v. Herdrich. Past program chair and past forum chair, American Public Health Law Association, Health Law Section.
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