Co-Director LAWU Legal Studies
Prelaw Advisor, College of Arts & Sciences
- JD, Northeastern University School of Law
- MDiv, Boston University
- BA, The Johns Hopkins University
Research Interests
- Law and public policy
- Politics and religion
- American constitutional law
- Regulation of the food industry
- Tobacco regulation
- Products liability law
- Public health law
- Paralegal education
- Regulation of the food industry
Employment History
- Project Director, Organized Labor & Tobacco Control Network, Center for Community-Based Research (CCBR), Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
- Senior Policy Analyst/Staff Attorney, Massachusetts Association of Health Board
- Managing Attorney, Tobacco Control Resource Center/Tobacco Products Liability Project, Northeastern University School of Law
- Legal Practice Skills Instructor, Suffolk University Law School
- Judicial Law Clerk, Massachusetts Superior Court
Book Contributions
- G. Kelder and E. Bellone, "Labels Matter: Branding Theory in Higher Education and Naming Patterns in Legal and Paralegal Studies Programs," in R. Mongue,ed., The Empowered Paralegal Professionalism Anthology, (Carolina Academic Press, 2011), 321-345
- G. Kelder and E. Bellone, "Goals of the Paralegal Educator: Beyond the Basics," in R. Mongue,ed., The Empowered Paralegal Professionalism Anthology, (Carolina Academic Press, 2011), 303-307
- G. Kelder, "Legal Drafting: A Process Approach," MCLE Publications – Legal Writing Skills Workshop (2008)
- G. Kelder, "Writing Effective Motions: A Process Approach to Achieving Technical Perfection While Maximizing Creativity and Enjoyment," MCLE Publications – Ninth Annual Paralegal Conference (2007)
- G. Kelder and R. Daynard, "Judicial Approaches to Tobacco Control," in J. Schaler and M. Schaler, Smoking: Who Has the Right?, (Prometheus Books, 1999).
Editorial Positions
- G. Kelder, ed., A Guide to Enforcing the Multistate Master Settlement Agreement (June 28, 2000).
- G. Kelder, ed., Controlling the Sale and Use of Tobacco in Massachusetts: A Legal Policy Manual for Municipal Officials and Public Health Officers (1994, revised 2000).
- G. Kelder and P. Davidson, eds. The Multistate Master Settlement Agreement and the Future of State and Local Tobacco Control: An Analysis of Selected Topics and Provisions of the Multistate Master Settlement Agreement of November 23, 1998 (Commissioned and Funded by the American Cancer Society) (March 23, 1999).
- G. Kelder, Editor-in-Chief, Tobacco Control Update, 1997-2000.
- G. Kelder, Litigation Editor, Tobacco on Trial, 1994-96.
- G. Kelder, Legal Editor, Tobacco Products Litigation Reporter, 1994-96.
Peer-Reviewed Journals
- E. Bellone and G. Kelder, "Drug Court Contract Issues Under the Model Drug Offender Accountability and Treatment Act," International Law and Policy Review, Vol. 1, Number 1 (2011).
- E. Bellone and G. Kelder, "Contract Issues and Specialized Courts: The Price of Admission," Business Law Review, Vol. 43, (Spring 2010), 1-18.
- E. Barbeau, G. DeLaurier, G. Kelder, D. McLellan, G. Sorensen, E. Balbach, and C. Levenstein, "A Decade of Work on Organized Labor and Tobacco Control: Reflections on Research & Coalition-Building," Journal of Public Health Policy (2007) 28, 118-135.
- E. Barbeau, G. Kelder, S. Ahmed, V. Manteufel, and E. Balbach, "From Strange Bedfellows to Natural Allies: The Shifting Allegiance of Fire Service Organizations in the Push for Federal Fire-Safe Cigarette Legislation," Tobacco Control: An International Journal, Vol. 14 (2005).
- E. Barbeau, D. McLellan, C. Levenstein, G. Kelder, G. DeLaurier, and G. Sorensen, "Reducing Occupation-Based Disparities Related to Tobacco: Roles for Occupational Health and Organized Labor," American Journal of Industrialized Medicine, Vol. 46, No. 2 (August 2004).
- R. Daynard, W. Parmet, G. Kelder., and P. Davidson, "Implications of the Multistate Tobacco Settlement for Tobacco Control," American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 91, No. 12 (December 2001).
- G. Kelder and R. Daynard, "The Role of Litigation in the Effective Control of the Sale and Use of Tobacco," Stanford Law & Policy Review, Vol. 8:1 (Winter 1997).
- G. Kelder and R. Daynard, "Judicial Approaches to Tobacco Control: The Third Wave of Tobacco Litigation as a Tobacco Control Mechanism," Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 53, No. 1 (Spring 1997).
- G. Kelder and R. Daynard, "Tobacco Litigation as a Public Health and Cancer Control Strategy," Journal of the American Medical Women's Association (March 1996).
Legal and Paralegal Periodicals
- G. Kelder, "If We Do Little, We Will Graduate Few Elizas: Partnering with Students to Help Them Smooth Out Their Rough Edges," Paralegal Educator [Put in info] R. Daynard and G. Kelder, "The Many Virtues of Tobacco Litigation: In the Failed Global Settlement, the Tobacco Industry Almost Freed Itself from the Civil Justice System," Trial (November 1998).
- R. Daynard and G. Kelder, "The Tobacco Industry Under Fire," Trial (November 1995).
Government Publications
- G. Kelder, contributing author, "Litigation Approaches" in chapter 5 (Regulatory Efforts) in U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Reducing Tobacco Use: A Report of the U.S. Surgeon General. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office on Smoking and Health (August 2000).
- G. Kelder, "The Health Effects of Environmental Tobacco Smoke," Clearing the Air: A Resource Manual on Environmental Tobacco Smoke for Massachusetts, Second Edition (DPH, 1998, rev. 2000).
Legislative White Papers/Briefing Books
- G. Kelder and L. Hermer, An Action Plan to Protect the Health of Massachusetts Citizens and Their Children: Using Tobacco Settlement Funds to Reduce the Health/Economic Costs of Tobacco-Related Disease in the Commonwealth (February 12, 1999).
- G. Kelder, "An Analysis of the McCain Committee Bill's State Retail Licensing Program and Related Provisions," in Daynard et al. An Analysis of Selected Provisions of the McCain Committee Bill (S. 1415 rs) (May 1998).
Newspapers and Magazines
- D. Rosenthal and G. Kelder, "How to Spend the Tobacco Settlement Money," The Boston Globe, Op Ed page (July 16, 1999).
- R. Daynard and G. Kelder, "Waiting to Exhale: Tobacco Companies Hold Their Breath Over a New Legal Challenge That Could Have a Crushing Effect," The Boston Globe, Front Page Op Ed of Sunday Focus Section (February 11, 1996).

Contact Me
- 617-973-5328
- [email protected]
- 73 Tremont St., Rm. 1082
Office Hours
- Wednesday 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Schedule an Appointment
Courses Taught
- POLS 208 - Politics and Religion
- POLS 243 - American Constitutional Law
- LAWU 201 - Introduction to Law & the Legal System
- LAWU 360 - Fundamentals of Paralegal Practice
- LAWU 301 - Legal Research & Writing I
- LAWU 362 - Civil Litigation
- LAWU 401 - Legal Research & Writing II
- LAWU 355 - Corporate Law
- LAWU 335 - Torts: Personal Injury Law
- LAWU 377 - Politics of Regulation
- LAWU 534 - Experiential Learning in Law
- LAWU 510 - Independent Study
- SF - Seminar for Freshmen: Lincoln and the Law
- SF - Seminar for Freshmen: Boiling Mad: The Tea Party Movement
- SF - Seminar for Freshmen: Fast Food & Big Tobacco: Using Law to Combat Corporate Harm & Protect Consumers