George Kalogeris, PhD

Associate Professor Emeritus, English

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Director of the Classics Minor
Director of the Poetry Center 


  • PhD, Boston University
  • MA, Boston University
  • BS, Suffolk University

Research Interests

  • Greek and Roman Literature in Translation
  • Modern Lyric Poetry
  • The Pastoral Tradition



  • Winthropos, Lousiana State University Press, 2021.
  • Guide to Greece: Poems, Louisiana State University Press, 2018.
  • Dialogos: Paired Poems in Translation. Champaign, Illinois: Antilever Press, 2012. Forward by Rosanna Warren, Commentary by David Ferry.
  • Camus: Carnets. Lyric poems based on the Notebooks of Albert Camus. Brooklyn, New York: Pressed Wafer Press, 2006.

Anthologized Poems and Translations

  • So Little Time: Words and Images for a World in Climate Crisis. Edited by Dede Cummings, Forward by John Elder, Envoy by Bill McKibben. Green Writers Press, Vermont, 2014.
  • Joining Music with Reason. Anthology of 34 British and American Poets. Oxford: 2004 - 2009. Edited by Christopher Ricks. Waywiser Press, 2010.
  • Horace in English. Edited by Donald S. Carne-Ross. Penguin, 2006.

Book-Length Translations in Journals

  • Three Secret Poems, by George Seferis. Special Feature: Harvard Review, #30, 2006. Introductory essays by David Ferry and David Ricks.
  • Thrush, by George Seferis. Fulcrum, #6, Fall 2008.

Selected Critical Writing and Essays

  • The Foreign Connection: Writings on Poetry, Art, and Translation by Jamie McKendrick. Review forthcoming in Essays in Criticism, Oxford University Press.
  • “First Step: Teaching Cavafy in a Poetry Workshop,” forthcoming in Approaches to Teaching The Works of C.P. Cavafy, ed Demetres Tryphonopoulos and Peter Jeffreys, MLA.
  • A Singular Presence: On Carmen Bugan’s Poetry and the Language of Oppression: Essays on Politics and Poetry, reviewed in Literary Matters, Fall, 2022.
  • Nike Adjusting her Sandal by Anastasia Vasos, reviewed in The Lilly Review, Fall, 2022.
  • "So beautifully realized in a visible sheer grace of sharing: Review of Selected Poems by Ben Mazur, Mad Hat Press, 2017." Spoke. Spring, 2018.
  • "Resistance as a form of Embrace: Review of Hymns and Qualms, by Peter Cole. New and Selected Poems and Translations. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2017." Reviewed in Literary Matters, 10.1 Fall 2017.
  • "The Horses of Achilles," Into English, Graywolf Press, October 2017.
  • “Prophecy,” in Soundings, Essays on the Poetry of Melissa Green, Arrowsmith Press, 2016.
  • "Book 17 of the Greek Anthology" by Greg Delanty. Reviewed in PN Review, April, 2015.
  • Sibylline Sisters, Virgil’s Presence in Contemporary Women’s Writing, by Fiona Cox. Reviewed in Cambridge Classical Review, 2014.
  • Metaphorical Grasp: The Poetry of Translation by Matthew Reynolds. Reviewed in Essays in Criticism, Oxford University Press, March, 2013.
  • “Cavafy: The Trojans”, New Ohio Review, Volume 8, 2013.
  • The Looking House, by Fred Marchant, Graywolf Press. Reviewed in Poetry International, January 2010.
  • C.P. Cavafy. Collected Poems, by Daniel Mendelsohn. Alfred A. Knopf, 2009. Reviewed in The Critical Flame. September 2009.
  • From Mist to Shadow, by Robert K. Johnson. Ibbetson Street Press, 2007. Reviewed in Poetry Porch Spring, 2007.
  • Questions of Possibility: Contemporary Poetry and Poetic Form, by David Caplan. Reviewed in Essays in Criticism, Volume 57, 2007. Oxford University Press, 2005.

Books Edited

  • Virgil's Aeneid, translated by David Ferry. University of Chicago Press, Fall 2017. Assisted in writing the Preface, as well as in editing of verse lines.
  • Saint Medusa. Short Stories by Peter Caputo, Introduction by George Kalogeris. Pen and Anvil Press, 2015.

Poetry Prizes

  • James Dickey Poetry Prize, 2018.
  • Meringoff Prize for Poetry, Association of Literary Critics, Scholars and Writers, 2014.
  • New Ohio Review Poetry Prize, 2013.
  • Daniel Varoujan Award presented in honor of the Armenian victims of the Turkish Genocide, New England Poetry Club, 2008.

Poems, translations, and essays have appeared in a range of journals, including: Agni, Literary Imagination, Poetry, Ploughshares, Salamander, Essays in Criticism.

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Courses Taught

  • ENG-375 Poetry Writing Workshop
  • SF-174 Tragedy and Literature
  • ENG-123 Great Books of the World I
  • HST-530 Senior Applied Learning Project
  • ENG-130 Introduction to Literature
  • ENG-212 Intro to Creative Writing
  • ENG-316 Fifth Century Athens
  • ENG-440 The Odes of Horace
  • ENG-H555 Senior Honors Thesis
  • ENG-317 Classical Mythology
  • ENG-429 Literature of the Underworld
  • ENG-490 Imperial Rome