- PhD, Boston College
- AM, Boston College
- AB, St. John's Seminary
Research Interests
- Ancient and Medieval Education
- Lusophone Africa
- Military History
Employment History
- Suffolk University, 1973-2006
- Boston College, 1971-73 (faculty); 1968-71 (administration)
Selected Publications
The Pastoral Practice of the Sacraments of Cleansing in the Legislation of the Visigothic Church, in Classical Folia, Vol. XXIV, (December, 1970), 177-186. Humanistic Emphases in the Educational Thought of Vincent of Beauvais (Leiden/Cologne: E.J. Brill, 1976). Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde Islands: A Comprehensive Bibliography (NY: Garland, 1977).Review of Pierre Rich・, Les ノcoles et l'enseignement dans l'Occident Chr騁ien de la fin du cinqui鑪e si馗le au milieu du onzi鑪e si馗le, in The American Historical Review, Vol. LXXXV, 4 (October 1980_, 868-69.
Review of Basil Davidson, No Fist Is Big Enough to Hide the Sky: The Liberation of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde, in International Journal of African Historical Studies, Vol. XVII (1984), 113-114.
Review of Jock McCulloch, In the Twilight of Revolution: The Political Theory of Amilcar Cabral, in International Journal of African Historical Studies, Vol. XIX, No. 1 (1986), 182-183.
Innovation in Late Medieval Educational Thought: Vincent of Beauvais, Ramon Llull, and Pierre Dubois. (Washington: Educational Research Information Center, 1991).
Review of Willi Erzgraber, Kontinu舩 und Transformation der Antike im Mittelalter, in Mediaevistik, Vol. VIII (1995), 287-289.
“Operation Big Week (20-27 February 1944),” in David T. Zabecki, Ed., World War II in Europe: An Encyclopedia (2 vols.; NY: Garland, 1999), II, 1397-1399.
“Education and Training,” in Encyclopedia of the Ancient World (3 vols.; Pasadena: Salem Press, 2001), I, 51-57.
“Napoleonic Wars,” in Timothy C. Dowling, ed., Russia at War From the mongol Conquest to Afghanistan Chechnya, and Beyond (2 vols.; Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, 2015), II, 552-557.
Professional Activities
Director, M.Ed. in Foundations of Education, 1975-1995; M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration, 1976-2006
Life Member, American Historical Association
Life Member and Past President, Northeast Popular Culture/American Culture Association
Consultant, Princeton Review, 1997; Macmillan New Media, 1993; Bay State College, 1989, 1985; Salem State College, 1986; National Endowment for the Humanities, 1982; University of Massachusetts Institute for Governmental Services, 1979-81; Labour・ College, 1979-80; Boston College, 1971-79
Visiting Professor, Boston College, 1990; Adjunct Professor, Merrimack College, 1981, Boston University, 1973
Advisory/General Editor, Garland Publishing, 1979-92
Director, Suffolk University Boston Magnet Schools project, 1978-85