Rachael Cobb, PhD

Associate Professor, Political Science & Legal Studies

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  • PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • AB, Bryn Mawr College

Employment History

  • Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Government, Suffolk University, 2005-2006
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Government, Suffolk University, 2006-2011
  • Chair, Department of Government, Suffolk University, 2010-Present
  • Associate Professor, Department of Government, Suffolk University, 2011-Present

Teaching Areas

  • Public Policy
  • Politics and Policy
  • American Politics
  • Election Law
  • Research Methods
  • Civic Engagement
  • Political Participation

Research Interests

Cobb studies and teaches about election administration, civic engagement and political participation.

Publications/Selected Presentations

  • Cobb, Rachael V. 2012. “Can Voter ID Laws Be Administered in a Race-Neutral Manner? Evidence from the City of Boston in 2008.” Quarterly Journal of Political Science 7 (1): 1–33.
  • Skocpol, Theda, Rachael V. Cobb, and Casey Andrew Klofstad. 2005. “Disconnection and Reorganization: The Transformation of Civic Life in Late-Twentieth-Century America.” Studies in American Political Development 19 (02): 137–56.

Public Policy Achievements/Work

  • City of Boston Election Advisory Committee: member
  • MassVOTE Board Member
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Courses Taught

  • POLS-345- Public Policy Writing
  • POLS-501- Senior Seminar
  • POLS-H120- Honors Research Methods
  • POLS-110- Intro to American Politics
  • POLS-120- Research Methods
  • POLS-361- Voting Rights and Election Law
  • POLS-510- Independent Study
  • POLS-H110- Honors Intro to American Politics
  • POLS-H361- Honors Voting Rights
  • CAS-282- Civics Rules of Engagement 101