- EdD, Boston University
- MA, New York University
- BA, Brooklyn College
Research Interests
- Modern American Drama
- Neuroscience and the Arts
- Women and Literature
- Modern British Literature
Employment History
- 1976-2007
Suffolk University, Boston, MA
Articles in Books and Journals
- "Composing Memory in Eugene O'Neill's Long Day's Journey into Night." Eugene O'Neill. Critical Insights. Ed. Steven F. Bloom. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press, 2013. 173-188.
- "Sisters (or Brothers) Under the Skin: Williams's Blanche and Albee's Martha." Tennessee Williams Literary Journal VI (Winter 2008): 23-28.
- "Feminism, Postfeminism and The Heidi Chronicles." Twentieth Century American Drama: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies. Eds. Brenda Murphy and Laurie J. C. Cella. Routledge, 2006. (First published in 1990.).
- "Thinking Aloud’ in Eugene O’Neill’s Strange Interlude." The Eugene O’Neill Review. 26(2004): 24-30.
- "Interview with Neil Simon." The Playwright's Muse. Ed. Joan Herrington. NY: Routledge, 2002. 91-97.
- "Lessing Critics: The Earlier Generation" (a collaborative article). Ed. Paul Schlueter. Doris Lessing Studies 22 (Spring, 2002): 18-24.
- "Broadway Boundaries: Neil Simon and Popular Culture." The Playwright’s Muse. Ed. Joan Herrington. NY: Routledge, 2002. 78-89.
- "Women's Movement: The Personal as Political in the Plays of Wendy Wasserstein." Wendy Wasserstein: A Casebook, ed. Claudia Barnett. NY: Garland, 1999. 3-11.
- "Forward" for "Sunset in Hebrew and Khmer" by Willa Schneberg. Passionate Lives: Eight Autobiographical Poem Cycles. Ed. Elizabeth Claman. Eugene, Oregon: Queen of Swords Press, 1998: 76-77.
- "Beyond Laughter and Forgetting: Echoes of the Holocaust in Neil Simon's Lost in Yonkers." Neil Simon: A Casebook. Ed. Gary Konas. NY: Garland, 1997. 69-77.
- "'Alive Still in You': Memory and Silence in A Shayna Maidel." Staging Difference: Cultural Pluralism in American Theatre and Drama. Ed. Marc Maufort. N.Y.: Peter Lang Publishing, 1995. 259-265.
- "Guest Editor's Foreward." The Eugene O'Neill Review. 19 (Spring and Fall, 1995): 4-6.
- "Gender and Design in Eugene O'Neill's Strange Interlude." The Eugene O'Neill Review. 19 (Spring and Fall, 1995):123-128.
- "Desire under the Elms." Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, Vol. 49. Ed. Laurie Di Mauro. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Inc., 1993. 296-298.
- "Absence as Presence: The Second Sex in The Iceman Cometh." Eugene O'Neill: The Critical Response. Ed. John Houchin. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood UP, 1993. 184-190.
- "Disturbing Women: Wendy Kesselman's My Sister in this House." Modern American Drama: The Female Canon. Ed. June Schlueter. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1990. 246-253.
- "Feminism, Postfeminism and The Heidi Chronicles." Studies in the Humanities 17 (December,1990): 120-128.
- "Theatricality and Otherness in God's All Chillun Got Wings." Feminist Re-readings of Modern American Drama. Ed. June Schlueter. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1989. 48-56.
- "Wrestling with the Angel in the House: Mary Tyrone's Long Journey." The Eugene O'Neill Newsletter XII (Winter 1988): 19-24.
- "Family Ties: Landscape and Gender in Desire Under the Elms." The Eugene O'Neill Newsletter XI (Winter 1987): 19-23.
- "Images of Transformation: Joyce's Ulysses in Mid-Lfe." Journal of Mental Imagery 10 (Summer 1986): 79-86.
- "The Politics of Representation in The Marriages between Zones Three, Four and Five." Notes on Contemporary Literature XV (March 1985): 4-5.
- "Absence as Presence: The Second Sex in The Iceman Cometh." The Eugene O'Neill Newsletter 6 (Summer/Fall 1982): 10-15.
- "Martha Quest: The Dynamics of Mood." Doris Lessing Newsletter 5 (Winter, 1981): 3-4.
Book Reviews and Reports in Journals
- "Tribute: Frederick C. Wilkins." Eugene O'Neill Review 34 (2013): 251-252..
- Rev. of Tennessee Williams's Influence on Fifteen American Playwrights edited by Philip Kolin. Modern Drama 52 (Winter 2009): 499-501.
- Rev. of American Women Playwrights: 1900-1950 by Yvonne Shafer. Theatre Research International 24 (Spring 1999): 114-115.
- Rev. of Struggle, Defeat or Rebirth: Eugene O'Neill's Vision of Humanity by Thierry Dubost. The Eugene O'Neill Review 22 (Spring and Fall 1998): 194-195.
- Rev. of Susan Glaspell: Essays on Her Plays and Fiction, edited by Linda Ben-Zvi. The Eugene O'Neill Review 20 (Spring and Fall 1996): 153-155.
- Rev. of "A Kind of Alaska": Women in the Plays of O'Neill, Pinter and Shepard, by Ann C. Hall, in The Eugene O'Neill Review 17 (Spring and Fall 1993): 203-205.
- Rev. of Eugene O'Neill and the Emergence of American Drama, edited by Marc Maufort, in The Eugene O'Neill Review 15 (Spring 1991): 107-109.
- Rev. of Eugene O'Neill: Three Plays, edited by Normand Berlin. The Eugene O'Neill Review 14 (Spring and Fall, 1990): 108-110.
- Rev. of Critical Approaches to O'Neill, edited by John H. Stroupe. The Eugene O'Neill Review 13 (Spring 1989): 92-95.
- Rev. of Tragic Drama and the Family: Psychoanalytic Studies from Aeschylus to Beckett, by Bennett Simon. The Eugene O'Neill Review 13 (Spring 1989) 90-92.
- Report on O'Neill panel of NEMLA Conference. The Eugene O'Neill Review 13 (Spring 1989): 61-63.
- Rev. of Beyond Power, by Marilyn French. NWSA Perspectives 4 (Winter 1986): 34.
- Report on panel of conference: "Eugene O'Neill - The Later Years." The Eugene O'Neill Newsletter X (Winter 1986): 24-25.