Michael Arthur

Professor Emeritus of Strategy and International Business

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About Michael Arthur

Prof. Arthur is a renowned authority in the area of career management. He has written extensively in academic journals and books in this field. In 2006, he was recognized by his peers at the Academy of Management for his knowledge in this area and received the Everett C. Hughes Award for Careers Scholarship. He is also a recipient of Sawyer Business School Dean’s Research Award (2006). He had an extensive record of both professional and university service as an editorial review board member for several academic journals as well as serving on the Promotion, Tenure and Review Committee and the Policy and Strategic Planning Committee.


  • PhD, Cranfield University, UK
  • MBA, Cranfield University, UK

Awards & Honors

  • 2006 - Everett C Hughes Award for Careers Scholarship
  • 2006 - Research Award
  • 1997 - Best International Paper
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Courses Taught

  • MGOB 820 Career Strategy
  • MGT 217 Organizational Behavior
  • MGOB 820 Career Strategy
  • MGT 217 Organizational Behavior