Eligibility & Application

The McNair Scholars Program is highly competitive and serves a maximum of twenty-six students at any given time. New applicants are considered only once current scholars graduate from the university.

Given the limited availability of student spots every year, meeting the eligibility requirements (see below) does not guarantee admission into the McNair cohort.

In addition, students must be willing to participate in the McNair Scholars Summer Research Institute, at least once, before graduation; present their research projects in at least two conferences (McNair or Academic conferences only); and have a commitment to participate in all McNair seminars, workshops, and activities until graduation.

To participate in the McNair Scholars Program, the U.S. Department of Education requires that participants are:

  • Citizens, nationals, or permanent residents of the U.S. or of other eligible residency or nationality as outlined in 34 CFR 647.3(a)
  • Enrolled full-time at Suffolk University with at least 42 credit hours completed at time of program entry
  • A sophomore or a junior with at least a 3.0 GPA with at least one full calendar year remaining before graduation
  • Individuals who have never enrolled in a doctoral program

In addition, students must qualify on at least one condition including:

You can download an application [PDF] or complete our online application; please email our office for more information. 

Application Materials

  1. Attend a McNair Scholars Information Session OR meet with a member of the McNair Scholars Team to learn more about the program
  2. Complete a McNair Scholars Program Application
    If you begin your application and need to stop, it will automatically save after entering your contact information and link will be sent to your email address
  3. The application requires that you include the names of two recommenders—your application will provide you with a link to send to your recommenders
    Please Note: At least one recommendation must be from a Suffolk professor
  4. In order for your application to be considered complete, all supplemental materials must be uploaded in your application:
    • Tax forms
    • Personal and research statement
    • Resume or curriculum vitae
    • An academic writing sample

    Information about each document can be found within your application.

For questions about the application or eligibility, please contact the program staff. Completed application materials and recommendation letters can be submitted in person, by email, mail, fax, or online. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that all application materials are submitted. If for any reason you are having difficulty accessing the necessary documents, please reach out to our office for support.

You will be contacted once the completed application is submitted. Interviews will be conducted as the applications are received.

We look forward to receiving your application and remember: Once McNair, Always McNair.