Budget & Financial Planning

The Office of Budget & Financial Planning is responsible for developing and managing the annual operating budgets for the University, including the College of Arts & Sciences, the Sawyer Business School, the Law School and central administration.

The University's gross annual operating budget is over $300M for FY22. Additional Information about our office and selected policies and procedures can be found below. We invite you to contact us regarding any questions about these and any other budget-related topics. 

Contact Us

The Budget Office is located on the 11th floor of 73 Tremont Street.

Our mailing address is 8 Ashburton Place, Boston MA 02108.

Our fax number is 617-305-1767.

Barbara Matez
Interim Chief Financial Officer

Stephen Hill
Associate Vice President
Budget Partner for: President's Office,  Advancement, Enrollment & Admission, College of Arts & Sciences, Student Affairs, Diversity & Inclusion, and External Affairs

Melissa Gately
Senior Financial Analyst
Business Partner for: Provost's OfficeAdministrationCommunications, Suffolk University Law School, Office of the General Counsel, Title IX, Sawyer Business School, and Finance

Payroll Deadlines

Please see the Payroll Office’s page for the payroll schedule.

University Capitalization Policy

Costs incurred for the purchase, construction, or renovation of buildings or portions thereof should be capitalized only if:

  • the total eligible costs related to a capital construction project (see definition) equal or exceed $10,000.

Costs incurred for the purchase of furniture or equipment should be capitalized only if:

  • the cost of an individual piece of furniture or equipment, including delivery and set up charges, equals or exceeds $10,000.
  • the amount of a single item is less than $10,000 but the aggregate cost of a quantity of the same item being purchased is in excess of $10,000. The items should be capitalized as a group, if it is Suffolk’s normal business practice to purchase and replace the items as a group. Examples are: computers purchased to create a computer lab; a single purchase of computers with a total cost exceeding $10,000 to be used in multiple offices; the bulk purchase of lap tops each costing less than $10,000 for the faculty.

All other costs not specifically addressed in this policy statement are to be considered as operating expenses and should be included in the administration, school or department budgets.

Policy for Capitalizing Expenditures [PDF].