Academic Standing Committees


The Undergraduate Academic Standing Committee reviews the undergraduate academic standing policies for CAS and engages in the regular review of students in academic jeopardy.
Voting members of the Committee include:

  1. a faculty representative from each department appointed by the dean of CAS after consultation with the department Chair. Faculty members are appointed for a two-year term, and they may not serve more than two consecutive terms unless the dean makes an exception.
  2. one representative each from the Office of Student Affairs, the Registrar, the Office of International Programs and Services, the Division of Student Success, and the Athletics Division.

For committee decisions to be valid, a majority of those in attendance must be faculty. The committee Convenor shall be a non-voting member, appointed by the Dean.

Undergraduate Academic Standing Committee Members

Name Department
Lenzie, Sharon, Convener Dean's Office
Allison, Robert History, Language & Global Culture
Bellone, Eric Political Science & Legal Studies
Boone, Gloria  Advertising, Public Relations & Social Media 
Cioffi, Andrew  Athletics
Del Prete, Anthony Athletics
Dewar, Eric  Biology 
Downey, Orla Center for Learning & Academic Success
Gallant, David Undergraduate Academic Advising Center
Goldstein, Audrey
Art & Design
Irizarry, Cynthia
Jeffreys, Peter English
Leyva, Viviana International Student Services
Link, Montgomery Philosophy
Madmoni-Gerber, Shoshana Communication, Journalism & Media
Martinez, Jennifer Psychology
McGrath, Amanda Student Affairs Office 
Oliva, Carrie
Pavlac, Margaret  BiCEP 
Rizzo, Antonia
Financial Aid
Sered, Susan Sociology & Criminal Justice
Sherman, Alison Registrar’s Office
Shink, Laura
Xu, Zhiyong Mathematics & Computer Science


The Graduate Academic Standing Committee (GASC) reviews the graduate academic standing policies for CAS, and engages in the regular review of students in academic jeopardy. Voting members of the Committee include all CAS graduate program directors; non-voting members include a CAS associate dean and a CAS assistant dean, designated by the Dean.

Graduate Academic Standing Committee Members 

Name Office or Program
Lenzie, Sharon, Convener Dean's Office
Bellone, Eric  Political Science & Legal Studies 
DiBiase, Rosemarie Applied Developmental Psychology
Hwang, Taisik
Kitz, Keith  Graphic Design 
Langer, David Clinical Psychology
Monteiro, Carlos  Crime & Justice Studies 
Nyamwanda, Jacky Medical Dosimetry
Santos, Ann  Dean of Graduate Students, Student Affairs Office 
Shumaker, David Mental Health Counseling
Solley, Sean Interior Architecture
Sherman, Alison  Registrar’s Office