Master of Science in Medical Dosimetry


On Campus

39-55 Credits

Our in-person, JRCERT-accredited (Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology) Master of Science in Medical Dosimetry program is ideal for those without a radiation therapy background who are interested in pursuing cancer care, as well as radiation therapists seeking professional advancement within the radiation oncology field.

In small classes and during supervised rotations at top hospitals in the greater Boston area, you’ll get hands-on training in the latest planning technology from expert board-certified dosimetrists and physicists. Once you graduate, you’ll be eligible to sit for the certification exam offered by the Medical Dosimetrist Certification Board.

As a student in Suffolk’s Master of Science in Medical Dosimetry program, you will:

  • Use cutting-edge software and technology to design optimal 3D, IMRT & VMAT plans for treatment of patients living with cancer
  • Take up to 16 credits of leveling courses if you don’t have a background in radiation therapy
  • Complete a 3-week rotation in proton treatment planning
  • Cultivate strong communication and critical-thinking skills to work efficiently and professionally with all members of the care team
  • Collaborate with clinical research mentors to develop and conduct a publishable research study
  • Learn how to incorporate evidence-based, ethical practices for decision-making to provide safe and effective care for patients

Request Information

Success after Suffolk

Our graduates go on to become certified medical dosimetrists at top hospitals and healthcare centers across the country.

Brigham and Women's Hospital
Boston, MA
University of California
San Diego, CA
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York, NY
Boston Medical Center
Boston, MA
Maine Medical Center
Portland, ME
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Cooper University Hospital
Camden, NJ
SUNY Upstate Medical University
Syracuse, NY
University of Vermont Medical Center
Burlington, VT
Cape Fear Valley Medical Center
Fayetteville, NC
Rhode Island Hospital
Providence, RI
University of Utah Health
Salt Lake City, UT

MSMD Program Overview


The medical dosimetry program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology.

20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850
Chicago, IL 60606-3182
Phone: 312-704-5300
Email: [email protected]

The program’s current award is 8 years. General program accreditation information and the current accreditation award letter can be found on the JRCERT website.

Program Mission Statement

At Suffolk, our medical dosimetry program provides students with a rigorous and comprehensive education in the discipline. Our students receive instruction from a multifaceted faculty and in diverse clinical settings in New England, using the most advanced technologies to develop exceptional clinical skills and research experiences that will prepare them for entry level positions. Graduates of our program will think critically, communicate effectively, and appreciate the importance of continued education in maintaining their competence.

The program transitioned the terminal award from a post-baccalaureate certificate to a master’s level. The first cohort of graduates from the master’s program graduated in 2021. The 5-year average data includes data for the certificate program from 2019 to 2020 and data from the master’s program for 2021 to 2023. The JRCERT also publishes the program effectiveness data along with explanations on how they are calculated on their website.

View the Medical Dosimetry Program Effectiveness Data [PDF]

The MS in Medical Dosimetry program (MSMD) is a full-time program and includes one summer semester of a required academic internship in a clinical setting.

Most students who complete the MSMD program have no prior coursework in radiation therapy or medical dosimetry. Students who do not possess a background in radiation therapy complete the MSMD program in 21 months and begin their first semester in September.

Students possessing a Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy may complete the program in 17 months and begin their first semester in January.

Expected Program Schedule

With a leveling semester:

  • Year 1: Fall semester, Spring semester, Summer semester
  • Year 2: Fall semester, Spring semester

Without leveling semester:

  • Year 1: Spring semester, Summer semester
  • Year 2: Fall semester, Spring semester

The Curriculum

Our competency-based clinical curriculum incorporates the latest planning techniques, including 3D, IMRT, VMAT, brachytherapy, and stereotactic. Students also have the unique experience of a 3-week rotation in proton treatment planning. For those interested in conducting clinical research, we also offer a year-long research course that culminates in a research paper or poster presentation.

As a graduate of our program, you’ll be eligible to apply to sit for the certification exam offered by the Medical Dosimetrist Certification Board. At this time, there are no licensure requirements for medical dosimetrists in any state or the District of Columbia.
View the MSMD curriculum

Download video transcript [PDF]

Applying to Suffolk's MSMD Program

A background in radiation therapy is not required. Most of our accepted students have undergraduate degrees in physics, biology, chemistry, pre-med, or health sciences. We have also accepted career changers with backgrounds such as marketing and environmental science. All applicants must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree
  • 3.0 cumulative GPA

Completion of the following pre-requisite courses with a grade of C or higher:

  • Calculus I
  • Physics I & II with labs
  • Biology
  • Anatomy & Physiology I & II with labs

Course Waiver Eligibility

Students with a background in radiation therapy may be able to waive some or all of the courses in the leveling semester (Fall year 1). Eligible courses must have been completed within the previous 5 years with a grade of B or higher.

Accepted students must provide the following to the graduate program director for a determination of course-equivalence eligibility:

  • Course name and number
  • Catalog course description
  • Syllabus including schedule of lectures

The program does not accept transfer credits for any graduate level courses.

All applicants must complete a clinical shadow experience before the corresponding application deadline. However, it is recommended that applicants complete a shadow as soon as they identify an interest in applying to the program. This will require at least 4 hours of your time and consists of observing a certified medical dosimetrist at work to assure your suitability for the career you are pursuing.

Applicants are encouraged to complete the shadow experience at a nearby medical institution of their choice by contacting the Radiation Oncology Department and requesting a medical dosimetry shadow.

The following information will need to be provided in the admission application form so we can request feedback about the shadow:

  • Name of individual(s) with whom you shadowed
  • Institution
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Date of shadow
  • Duration of shadow

If you need assistance scheduling a shadow, the Suffolk Medical Dosimetry Program can also arrange it for you at one of our local hospital affiliates in Boston. Please note that as of 3/11/2020, our clinical partners have advised us that we are not able to set up on-site shadow experiences until further notice. If you are interested in medical dosimetry and are unable to secure a shadow at a site near you, we can schedule you for a 2 hour virtual demonstration to meet shadow requirement purposes.

Find out more and request a shadow.

Application Deadlines

Applications are for fall semester only.

Deadline: January 15

Applications will be considered on a rolling, space-available basis until April 1, but applicants are advised that we typically fill our cohort with applicants who applied by the January 15 deadline. No applications will be accepted after April 1.

Application Materials

  • Completed application—available for Fall 2025 application
  • $50 Application Fee (waived for students who visit campus)
  • Resume
  • Goal Statement (essay)
  • Two Letters of Recommendation. At least one letter should be from a faculty member at the school where you earned your most recent degree, unless you have been out of school for more than five years
  • Unofficial transcripts of all post-secondary work. Admitted students enrolling in the program will need to have official transcripts, including proof of degree conferral, on file prior to their first class
  • Shadow feedback (obtained by program from clinical site where shadow occurred). For a virtual shadow completed through Suffolk University, the Suffolk University staff member conducting the shadow will provide feedback; for additional information please refer to the page section on Shadow Experiences
  • Math assessment (by invitation)
    Completed without a calculator and covers basic arithmetic functions, fractions, decimals, percentages, basic college algebra, exponential functions including power laws, natural logs, basic geometry, similar triangles, areas, perimeter and trigonometry
  • Interview (by invitation)
    An initial screening interview with the program director and clinical coordinator is scheduled as applications are completed. Select applicants are invited to a full committee interview in February.
  • Official TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo, or PTE-Academic Scores (international students only)

Cost of Graduate Study at Suffolk

View current tuition and fees for this program

Financial Aid for Graduate Study

Suffolk University is pleased to offer merit-based financial aid to graduate students—these awards can be up to $14,750 per academic year. Merit-based aid is awarded based on the applicant's academic credentials presented on the admission application. No separate application is required for merit consideration.

View estimated cost of attendance

Clinical Sites

Supervised clinical rotations are completed at our affiliates. The variety of clinical sites ensures exposure to working in multiple settings, including a major academic center as well as a smaller community setting. Every student also gains experience using the two major treatment planning systems: Eclipse and RayStation.

To learn more about the clinical experience, check out our Q&A with Vasantee Reddicks, ’21.

Clinical Information

Clinical rotations begin in the spring semester of the first year of the program. Students are advised that they may be required to participate in a few quality assurance procedures that are typically completed in the evenings. The clinical schedule is:

Year 1

Spring: Tuesday & Thursday — 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Summer: Monday & Friday — 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
OR Monday - Thursday — 7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.*
*This 4-day, 10-hour summer option is not offered at all clinical sites

Year 2

Fall: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – 8 a.m.-4.30 p.m.
Spring: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday — 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Several of our clinical affiliates utilize a hybrid work model where dosimetrists work remotely for a few days each week. Students complete their clinical rotations in person under supervision of dosimetrists who are also on site, but there may be occasions where instruction is provided remotely via videoconferencing. During the full-time summer internship and at the discretion of the clinical site, students may be able to complete remote clinical education not to exceed 50% of the required clinical hours in any given week.

Students are required to provide their own transportation when assigned to clinical sites that are not easily accessible via public transportation. This applies to MGH North Shore Cancer Center, Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center at Milford Regional Medical Center, and Rhode Island Hospital.

All students are required to comply with various requirements of our clinical affiliates to be cleared to start clinical rotations. This includes submitting information required for background checks such as the Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI), Sexual Offender Record Information (SORI), and providing proof of required immunizations.

In addition to immunizations mandated by Suffolk, students are also required to obtain an annual flu shot, a TB/PPD test, and be fully Covid-19 vaccinated at their own expense based on the schedule determined by their clinical site.

A Professional Liability Insurance policy will be provided through Suffolk University that covers students during clinical rotations.

Students are required to obtain CPR certification at their own cost. This will be required prior to the start of clinical rotations and must remain current for the duration of all rotations.

Meet the MSMD Faculty & Staff

Questions? Get in touch!

All inquiries regarding Suffolk's MSMD should be directed to our program email. 

Email: [email protected]

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