Dr. Tamara Stenn is an economist, social enterprise developer, author, researcher, and Fulbright scholar. She is the founder of the Sustainability Lens Game, an inclusive, engaging way to build more fun, innovation, and resistance into any organization. She completed a 3-year Fulbright study on the well-being of Bolivia's women quinoa growers (2015-2018). Together with the producers studied Tamara founded A Perfect Seed, Inc., a farmer-run cooperative that specialized in Royal Quinoa seed varieties. Papers and book chapters analyzing the experience of management and economics disciplines are authored by Tamara.
Tamara also authored the text, Social Entrepreneurship as Sustainability, introducing the Sustainability Lens (Springer, 2017), which creates new ways for entrepreneurs to approach business development. The Cultural and Political Intersection of Fair Trade and Justice, Managing a Global Industry (Palgrave, Sept. 2013) a book that critically examines Fair Trade, handicrafts and coffee, women’s leadership, and development economics, and has classroom exercises at the end of each chapter, was also authored by Tamara.
Lastly, Tamara was the founder and CEO of KUSIKUY, an eco-fashion brand of hand-knit Bolivian alpaca clothing that, for 20 years, used FairTrade methods to create sustainable livelihoods for Bolivia's indigenous women.
Honors and Recognitions
- Paul R. Lawrence Fellowship Recipient, Case Research Foundation, 2020.
- US Fulbright Grant: 2015-2018.
Professional Activities
- Treasurer and grant writer, Windham World Affairs Council
- Chair, Indigenous Peoples Thematic Group, Human Development Capabilities Approach (HDCA)
- Dissertation Committee Member
- Peer Reviewer
- North American Case Research Association (NACRA), 2020 - present
- Emerald, Springer, and Palgrave Publishing Companies, 2011 – present
- Human Development Capabilities Approach, 2011 – present
- Academy of Management, 2007 – present
Recent Intellectual Contributions
Books & Chapters
- Stenn, T., Coplan, J., Lalor, A., & Osterholt, D. (2023). Chapter 15: Managing neurodiversity inclusion in today's entrepreneurial-styled workplace. Managing for Social Justice: Harnessing Management Theory and Practice for Collective Good. Palgrave-Macmillan.
- Stenn, T., Lalor, A., & Osterholt, D. (2023). Chapter: Activating Entrepreneurial Mindsets in Neurodiverse Students through an Integrated Universal Education Pedagogy. Volume 23 of Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth. Emerald Publishing.
- Stenn, T. (2022). Harnessing Andean spirituality and entrepreneurship. In Pavlovich, K. & Markman, G. (Ed.), Vol. 3: Spirituality, entrepreneurship, and social change. World Scientific Encyclopedia of Business Sustainability, Ethics and Entrepreneurship. World Scientific Publishing.
- Stenn, T. (2021). Chapter 11: Andean enterprises - A case study of Bolivia’s Royal Quinoa entrepreneurs. In Colbourne, R. (Ed.), Indigenous Wellbeing and Enterprise; Self- Determination and Sustainable Economic Development. Routledge.
- Stenn, T. (2021). Social, Economic and Environmental Sustainability in the Bolivian Andes, a Quechua/Aymara Perspective from the Royal Quinoa fields. In Spee, J., McMurray, A., & MacMillan, M. (Ed.), The Handbook of Clan and Tribal Perspectives on Social, Economic and Environmental Sustainability. Emerald Publishing.
- Koskoris, J., Lampard Dennis, S., Landin, J., Osterholt, D., & Stenn, T. (2020). Inclusive Business Education: Teaching Appropriate and Relevant Professional Best Practices in Neurodiverse Classrooms and Workplaces. In Innovating in Teaching Enterprise, Business, and Management in Higher Education. Coventry University, UK.
- Stenn, T. (2017). Social Entrepreneurship as Sustainable Development. Palgrave Macmillan Press.
Peer Review Papers
- Stenn, T, Ballesteros-Sola, M. & Kandade, K. (2022). A Perfect Seed: Developing a Sustainable Quinoa Market for Social Impact. North American Case Research Association (NACRA).Harvard Business Review.Case Study No. NA0718-PDF-ENG.
- Stenn, T., Coplan, J., Landin, J. & Crocker, L. (2021). Building Supportive, Inclusive Workplaces Where Neurodivergent Thinkers Thrive: Approaches in Managing Diversity, Inclusion, and Building Entrepreneurship in the Workplace. SAM Advanced Management Journal.Vol. 86 Edition 1. P. 21-31.
- Stenn, T. (2020). Measuring Sustainability: Using the Capabilities Approach in Sustainable Development Assessment. Journal of Social Sciences. Year 8, No. 15. P. 133-146.
- Coplan, J., Crocker, L., Landin, J. & Stenn, T (2020) Using self-guided, team based, management to create workplaces and organizations that are more democratic and inclusive thus furthering social justice. Society for Advancement of Management Journal.
- Stenn, T. (2019). Building Resilient & Meaningful Enterprises with the Sustainability Lens. Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability. Vo. 14 (3). P. 98 – 110.
- Stenn, T. (January 2014). Examining the Gaps in Justice and Well-Being for Fair Trade Women Across Industries. Global Journal of Human-Social Science. Vol. 14, Issue 6, version 1.0.
- Stenn, T. (December 2013). Comercio Justo and Justice: An examination of Fair Trade. Review of Radical Political Economics. Vol. 45 Issue 4. pp. 489-500.
- Stenn, T. (May 2013). Fair enough? Fair Trade and the quality of life amongst Bolivia’s indigenous women artisans. Development in Practice. Vol. 23, Issue 3, pp. 372-388.