Corporation & Foundation Relations

Building partnerships and relationships with local, regional, national, and international corporations and foundations is essential to advancing Suffolk’s educational mission. Partnerships enable Suffolk to tap into our extended community and an array of diverse resources to support our students.

Suffolk offers corporations and foundations opportunities to partner on research initiatives, community projects, professional development programs, and social responsibility efforts to provide educational programming to under resource members of the community.

In addition to Advancement, partnerships exist through:

To collaborate with Suffolk on a grant or projects, please contact Denise Pinney, Associate Vice President for Campaign Operations and Corporate and Foundation Relations at 617-725-4116 or via email.

Corporate Sponsorships

Suffolk welcomes corporate sponsorships for an array of events and programs. Recognition and participation are appreciated and range from programs and signage to tables and t-shirts. To become a Suffolk sponsor, please contact Nancy Galindo-Rodriguez, MPA’11, Director of Corporate Relations and Sponsorships, at 617-573-8454 or via email.